What are the grounds on which the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan have been either condemned or justified?

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What are the grounds on which the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan have been either condemned or justified?

It was precisely 8.15 in the morning on 6th August 1945 when a lone B-52 bomber, the Elona Gay, commonly seen over Japanese airspace come the end of the war dropped the first atomic bomb in history on Hiroshima. Nicknamed ‘Little Boy’, it produced a “white flash of blinding intensity”, seen for miles around and packed “more explosive power than 20,000 tonnes of TNT”. However, this essay is concerned as to how and why the Elona Gay did not encounter any form of resistance in the air or on the ground. It has been argued that Japan’s effectiveness as a fighting force, by the time the bomb was dropped, had long been diminished.  Exhausted of soldiers, unable to rebuild industries or even produce enough food for the remaining civilians, Japan was on it’s knees, for this reason this essay will seek to analyse whether the use of nuclear warfare was the sole reason for the Japanese unconditional surrender.

In this essay I will seek to analyse the bombs in terms of Japanese suffering and American desire for a quick resolution to end the war. Furthermore, I will have to justify or condemn the effect of the event where the entire world was thrust into the new nuclear age with such brutal and devastating force. Throughout this essay I will not be arguing against the development of nuclear weaponry as a whole, in this period. I believe, it had to be developed to counter the threat of Nazi Germany who had also started to develop their own nuclear programme that potentially could have easily turned the tide of war in it’s favour.

The focus of this essay is to analyse the grounds on which the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and then 3 days later in Nagasaki killed 100,000 instantly and an estimated 200,000 to radiation poisoning over the coming decades; however, these figures do remain hotly contested to this day.

The two nuclear bombs have been condemned because the majority of the victims were elderly, women and children non-combatants, as the target contained no real significant military targets. Truman’s intention when overseeing the secret ‘Manhattan project’, the project codename used to construct and test the world’s first nuclear weapon, was to use the bomb only on specific military targets to ‘shock’ the Japanese out of the war. However, with the Japanese war industry failing, no targets like this remained, so it was dropped first on Hiroshima a primarily civilian population, chosen from cities where there were no confirmed U.S P.O.W camps.

By the end of the Pacific War, the idea of differentiation between combatants and non-combatants was completely obliterated, shown clearly by the U.S firebombing of Tokyo and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, it must be stated that the Japanese had committed their own war crimes for example, the ‘Rape of Nanking’. Significantly, both events can be considered human rights atrocities and the inhumaneness of Japan’s army towards Chinese civilians remains undoubted with over 300,000 civilians killed with extreme prejudice.

Therefore a controversial justification for use of the atomic bomb, is that it can be seen to act as a form of retribution for the Japanese Government. Some radical scholars and Generals have justified the use of the bomb on the Japanese, because they had seemingly forfeited their right to wage a ‘humane’ war. The Japanese can be seen to have committed their own terrible war crimes, events like the Bataan Death March, where thousands of U.S and Filipino P.O.W’s were killed en route to a prison camp gained notoriety.

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During the Rape of Nanking a, “three all policy of burn all, kill all, destroy all’, was enacted against rural north-west china. It is therefore suggested that atrocities committed by the Japanese army could be interpreted, by some, as inhumane much in the same way as the atomic bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

These events and the advancement of technology allowed powers the ability to de-humanize their enemies and advocate their complete annihilation.

However, despite the heinous war crimes enacted by the Japanese army, morally it should be noted that the Japanese civilians should not have had ...

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