What was Gladstonian about Gladstonian Liberalism and to whom did it appeal?

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What was Gladstonian about Gladstonian Liberalism and to whom did it appeal?

Intro:  I intend to look at Gladstone’s personality and background and then attempt to establish if policies of three ministries (Gladstonian Liberalism) reflect this.  I will look at aspects of ministries that may not be Gladstonian and consider whom the concept appealed to as well as whom it did not appeal to.

Paragraph 1:        He had a cultured and establishment upbringing (Eton and Oxford) but based on merchant wealth.  High Anglican with profound moral core who began political life as a Tory but resigned with Peel.  Felt to have been rather obsessive (especially towards older age) and stubborn.  A careful man who believed in thrift and self-respect.  Linked to this was his belief that people should be the product of opportunity and not privilege. Favoured Benthamite principles in his early career and always had an eye on modernising society’s institutions influenced him.  He was never afraid to ‘upset the apple cart’ and believed in free speech for all as well as a good measure of autonomy and independence.  This was, in essence, the character of William Ewart Gladstone.

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Paragraph 2:        Best way to consider Gladstonian Liberalism is to examine main areas of legislation and reform, paralleling this narrative with links to paragraph 1.  

  • Thrift and care with finance: Income tax reductions and free trade budgets as Chancellor of the Exchequer under Aberdeen(?).  Absence of social reform due to dislike of spending public £.
  • Opportunity for all: University Test Act 1871; Education Act 1870; Army Reforms 1873; Civil Service Reforms 1872(?)
  • Fondness of disestablishing the established: married Women’s Property Act; architect of both the 1867 Reform Act as well as the later extension, the 1883 Act. ...

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