Art and part liability

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Criminal Law Coursework

Word Count: 1,692

In Criminal Law, the principle of art and part liability is a form of derivative criminal liability.

Consider and explain how criminal liability might be established on an art and part basis.  In addition, consider how an individual may be held liable for the unintended consequences of a course of criminal conduct, and how such an individual might defend any such allegations.  

Art and part liability is a form of derivative criminal liability meaning: “where two or more people engage together in committing a crime, each actor is equally guilty of the whole crime irrespective of the particular role played by each individual”.  A typical example of art and part liability is a bank robbery.  For example, a gang perform the physical act of the crime: the actus reus; the robbing of the bank, with one man sitting in the getaway car.  All men are guilty of the crime.  If one member inside the bank panics and kills someone, the getaway driver is as guilty of murder as the killer and all the gang members involved.  There are, however, defences available to reduce the extent of criminal liability, for example, if the accused was unaware that the killer had a weapon and made no prior agreement or planning for the carrying or use of the weapon, then he would not be responsible for the murder, there would be no art and part liability for this charge if he did not commit the crime.  However, the onus would be on the getaway driver to prove he was unaware in the planning that the killer was going to be in possession of a weapon with intent to use it.  This example of art and part liability briefly outlines the law on it; however, I will examine the full extent of the law in more detail later.  

In order for criminal liability on an art and part basis to be proved and a criminal conviction made, the court must be persuaded beyond a reasonable doubt of the guilt of the accused by the evidence presented by the Crown, and in light of any countervailing evidence led by the defence.  The guilt of the accused is dependant upon the Crown proving that the accused had the necessary actus reus: the criminal conduct; the physical act of the crime, and the mens rea for the crime charged: the mental state of the accused to commit the crime which is usually some form of intent.  The requirement of causation must also be met: the accused’s act must be proved to have brought about the criminal results, the basic rule is that the accused’s actions should be the operating and substantial cause.  Finally, there must be corroboration: this is the requirement of two independent items of evidence and is commonly found in a combination of witness testimony and circumstantial evidence. 

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In Scots law, an individual who is not directly engaged in the conduct that constitutes the actus reus of the crime can still be held liable for the actions of others.   This can be seen in the doctrine of art and part liability.  An individual may become art and part guilty of a crime as a result of personal conduct, however, his criminal liability is dependant upon the actions of another person.  The justification of this derivative liability is that the person involved art and part tends to assist or participate in the commission of the crime.  However, one must ...

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The student may also wish to have included the different forms of art and part liability that can be identified. For example, someone who holds the position of an official and allows a breach of the law to take place is art and part of that offence; or, where an innocent person is used as an agent by someone else to commit a crime (the other party will be convicted as art and part). 4 Stars.