Briefly explain the key differences between the three types of Alternative Dispute Resolution and explain why they are preferable to the ordinary civil courts.

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2. Briefly explain the key differences between the three types of Alternative Dispute Resolution and explain why they are preferable to the ordinary civil courts.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) includes methods of dispute resolution, such as arbitration, conciliation and mediation, all of which fall outside of governmental judicial proceedings, a course of action which can involve a lot of time and financial commitment. These methods of dispute resolution are relatively novel and have many advantages over the more traditional methods - those of civil court proceedings and administrative tribunals - in that they are swifter and often less expensive. This essay will examine the key differences between the above three methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution and will also explain their advantages over the ordinary civil courts.

Arbitration is most similar to legal proceedings, whereby each side makes an argument as to the merits of their 'case' and a trained arbitrator decides the outcome both parties should follow (non-binding arbitration) or must follow (binding arbitration). The arbitrator must be an independent individual qualified to impose a solution on the parties in a specific context. Such a solution in arbitration is binding on both parties and even though it can be appealed against in court such an appeal will come under very close scrutiny.
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Arbitration is governed by several Arbitration Acts which gradually streamlined the process and ensured its speed and cost effectiveness, making it a proper alternative to litigation.

Arbitration is very common in the commercial world, due to its confidential nature. In addition to this, arbitration is faster, less expensive and less formal than a resort to litigation. Arbitrations often occur because both parties have agreed in contract with one another to resolve any future dispute by means of arbitration. This is known as a 'Scot Avery Clause'.

However, it must be noted that arbitration can sometimes cost ...

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