Constitutional Covention In United Kingdom

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Discuss the importance of constitutional convention in the workings of the United Kingdom constitution, giving specific examples in support of what you say.

The British Constitution is an unwritten constitution. This means that the there is no one codified document where the United Kingdom constitution is placed. As for this United Kingdom constitution is flexible. There are the legal sources of the unwritten constitution like acts of Parliament and also the non legal sources which includes constitutional convention. The reason why United Kingdom has such a constitution is because there was no time in history where after the Bill Of Rights Act 1689 a written constitution was needed. United Kingdom unwritten constitution has lead it to have one of the most flexible constitution in the world, one could compare it to United States Of America where for it's written constitution to be amended it would nee two third of support from the house of senate and the house of congress making the constitution rigid.
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The legal sources of United Kingdom constitution could be trace back to the Magna Carta 1215, the bills of right 1689 and more recently the Human Rights Act 1998.The legal sources of United Kingdom constitution could be said to more strictly followed compared to the non legal sources. Since in a country where there is an unwritten constitution the courts are not able to question any act of Parliament, in line with Parliamentary Supremacy, thus if there is a conflict between the legal sources and an act of Parliament the act of Parliament prevails. For the non legal ...

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