Historically, property has always been divided into two categories - real property and personal property. Discuss

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Quadsia Rana  LLB Law


Historically, property has always been divided into two categories - real property and personal property. Discuss 

In England the Crown technically owns all the land since the Norman Conquest of 1066 as a result of his victory, William declared himself King and owner of all land. To this day all land belongs ultimately to the Crown. Thus, if a person dies without leaving a will and with no relatives to inherit, his property goes back bona vacantia - to the Crown.

Real and personal property are distinguished due to historical reasons of English law. Most law books put the evolution of land law down to three things.

First of all, land after the Norman Conquest was subject to feudal tenure and thus held from or through the Crown.

Secondly, interests in land were protected at law by the so-called re actions, which meant that the land itself could be recovered if the owner were wrongfully dispossessed

Thirdly, the rules relating to descent on death differed for land and personalty. Land went usually the eldest son who was the heir at law, but the personal estate went to the next of kin under the Statute of Distributions 1670

The distinction between real and personal property is significant in numerous situations, such as where a testator by will leaves his realty to X and his personality to Y or where the purchase price paid for land will include fixtures but does not include personal property.

In his book Personal Property Law, 2nd edition, Blackstone Press, 1996, Michael Bridge defines that 'personal property (or personalty) is all the property that is left once land, that is real property (or realty) has been subtracted', and indeed land is, for the most part, real property, as distinct from personal property. This distinction arose from the different forms of action which could be brought in order to recover various types of property. 

Personal property is property that is subject to an action by the individual rather than against the property itself.  The property that is the focus of the action must be property other than land; therefore it must be a tangible thing or ‘chose in possession’ for example cars, books, paintings, clothes or furniture. Personal property could not always be recovered, in which case the true owner would have to be satisfied with payment of its value by compensation. Therefore the real purpose of this action is to take back the personal property or pay damages.

In the  systems personal property may also be called chattels. In the  systems personal property is often called movable property or movables, any property that can be moved from one location or another.

In the common law it is possible to place a  upon real property. Such mortage requires payment or the owner of the mortgage can seek foreclosure. Personal property can often be secured with similar kind of device called a security interest.

Real property is a term given to property that was the subject matter of a real action in the common law courts. It is also known as freehold land and can be split further into corporeal hereditaments and incorporeal hereditaments. Corporeal hereditaments are things that can be inherited and are of physical possession. Incorporeal hereditaments can also be inherited but unlike corporeal hereditaments cannot be possessed.

Real property is generally a term used in  jurisdictions as opposed to immovable property in civil law. An important area of real property are the definitions of estates in land. There are various interests that limit the  rights over land. The most common type of estate is the  which signifies that the owner has the right to dispose of the property as he sees fit. Other estates include the  and .

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Real property is mainly land, but the words 'realty' and 'land' are used as if they were the same thing, which is not true. This is because some interests, whilst they may be interests in land, are not 'real' property. An example of this is shown in leaseholds. They are personal and not realty. This is because until 1500 a tenant who was ousted from 'his land' could only recover damages in an action in personam, because leases were considered to be no more than a form of commercial contract. However, after 1500 an ousted tenant could recover the land itself in a 'real' action - ...

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