Lon Fuller - professor of Jurisprudence at Harvard.

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Lon Fuller

Fuller, professor of Jurisprudence at Harvard, was one of the thinkers responsible for the revival of natural law thinking in the mid-20th century. Note (in very small type) the date (1969) of his book.

Modern natural law theorists (other than those explicitly within the traditions of Roman Catholic moral philosophy) are secular in their outlook. They thus differ from classical natural law thinking in not supporting their theories with a grand metaphysics, as does St. Thomas. They have no special views about the purpose of life, the role of nature, the sources of human wisdom etc. Even the terminology 'natural law' or what we have called 'principles of natural justice' may seem to them to carry too much theological baggage. They do believe however in what they tend to call 'moral principles.'

Fuller calls his principles 'procedural' rather than substantive. He also calls the morality that's required for law, 'internal morality.' Substantive principles, such as the several principles of justice we've mentioned, describe what is right and what is wrong. They tell us how to regulate our conduct, i.e., whether polygamy is wrong. Procedural principles give criteria for forming substantive moral principles into law. Fuller's view is that natural justice enters the law at the procedural level. There are certain procedural principles which are necessary for anything to be a law in the first place. These principles make the law procedurally just, even if not substantively just.

King Rex is a take-off on Austin's sovereign, who imagines (as Austin's theory says) that he can make law by issuing commands. He issues commands, but fails to make law. Why doe she fail? Becausethe 'laws' he commands do not accord with the eight procedural criteria required for something to be a law.

The point is not only that Rex's laws are unfair (which they are, or worse), but that they are not even laws. Thus Fuller's point is that procedural unfairness makes law impossible, so that procedurally unfair law is not law.

Fuller has been criticized for overlooking that even laws which adhere to the inner morality, may be unjust. Is this a legitimate criticism of his theory?


Lecture Outline - Fall 2003

Professor Lee






Lon Fuller, The Morality of Law



Fall 2003

Professor Lee

Class Outline

September 18, 2003



a. Fuller = Legal Process scholar reacting to both Legal Realism and Nazi Germany

b. Preface: Distinction between "morality of duty" and "morality of aspiration"

c. Fuller argues that we should ascertain existence of law on a functional analysis -- how well does the system fulfill the purpose of a legal system?

. Purpose of legal system is "to subject human conduct to the guidance and control of general rules" (p. 146)

A. Agrees with Hart on centrality of rules to legal system

d. Eight functional criteria for judging legality of a system (not individual norms)

. Promulgation of general rules

2. Publicity of rules

A. Distinction between keeping laws secret and failing to make everyone subjectively aware of laws

3. Sparing use of retroactivity

4. Clarity

5. Absence of contradiction

A. Point if functional, not logical

6. Possibility of compliance

A. The troubling case of strict liability

7. Constancy

8. Congruence between official action and declared rule

A. The central place of interpretation

e. Fuller characterizes disagreement with Hart as difference between viewing law as "purposive" enterprise and viewing law as "sociological fact" (p. 145)

. Fuller: If law is viewed as social fact, there is no way to judge the legal virtuosity of system as a whole (p. 147)

2. Is law a "special kind of fact"? (p. 150)

Question: Is Fuller's "inner morality of law" a form of morality at all? Can functional evaluation be equivalent to moral evaluation? Where on the continuum of positivism and natural law would you place Fuller?

Question: Should we separate "ascertainment" of the law from "evaluation" of it? Can we?

Political Science 204: Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudence

Jacob T. Levy

First paper Assignment

"The morality of duty 'may be compared to the rules of grammar;' the morality of aspiration 'to the rules which [sic] critics lay down for the attainment of what is sublime and elegant in composition.'"

Lon Fuller, quoting Adam Smith, arguable violation of the which-that distinction included.

Length: 2000-2500 words. Please double-space and use ordinary margins and font sizes.

Papers due at my office, Pick 521, before class on Tuesday, May 9. Stumbling into class ten minutes late with the paper in hand does not constitute turning it in on time. In the absence of officially-documented sickness or family emergency, late papers will be docked 2/3 of a grade per day or part of a day, beginning at 1:30 pm on May 9. It would be wise to allow for possibilities like printer or computer difficulties in budgeting your time.

I will not have office hours next week (April 27), but I will hold office hours twice the following week? 10 am to noon Tuesday May 2 as well as Thursday May 4. You're encouraged to discuss papers with me. I cannot read drafts, but will read introductory paragraphs or outlines-- no more than 200-300 words.

You may choose one of the following topics for your paper, or you may choose another topic in consultation with me. Your argument should be bolstered with specific references to the text.

. How should the problem of the grudge informer be resolved, and how should the legal problem be understood?

2. Hart says of Fuller's 'inner morality of law' that "it perpetrates a confusion between two notions that it is vital to hold apart: the notions of purposive activity and morality." Do you agree with this line of criticism or not, and why?

3. Hart argues that a system of law is fundamentally a matter of rules. Dworkin disagrees; in very different ways, so do Austin and the realists. Discuss and evaluate either Dworkin's, the realist, or the classical positivist criticism of the model of rules, paying attention to how Hart does or could respond.

4. Dworkin and Blackstone argue that judicial decisionmaking helps to reveal the moral core of the law. The realists and the classical positivists, in different ways, disagree. Discuss and evaluate one of those lines of disagreement.

Some guidelines for writing papers

. Understand and abide by the rules for citations. You must put any words that are not your own into quotation marks and clearly identify their source in a footnote. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism. When you paraphrase someone else's words or use an idea or interpretation that is not your own, you must also identify the source. Of course, turning in someone else's work as your own, or turning in a paper for which you have already received credit in another class, is prohibited. NB: I do monitor online sources of term papers. Moreover, the papers available on such sites are almost always far below the standards of quality expected of U of C students.

2. You must seriously consider serious objections to your argument. For example, if you are criticizing an author, you must construct and respond to a strong defense of the author, and if you are defending, you must construct and respond to a strong criticism. Attacking straw men is bad, and a complete lack of attention to possible counterarguments is worse. If you cannot imagine serious counterarguments to your thesis, then your thesis is probably trivial (or your imagination is too constrained). Do not underestimate the importance of this. A paper that considers no counterarguments or only very weak ones is not a persuasive or successful paper.

3. Meeting #2 requires taking a clear position on the question you are addressing. "This paper will explore the issues related to" is not a thesis (and, obviously, doesn't allow for any interesting counterargument).

4. Logic counts.

5. Spelling counts. Running a spell-check is the beginning, not the end, of finding spelling errors.

6. Grammar and correct usage count. Using the grammar-check in Microsoft Word is not recommended as a method of finding grammatical errors. Fowler's Modern English Usage, Strunk and White's The Elements of Style, and Shertzer's The Elements of Grammar are much more reliable guides. If you own none of these, you should invest in one or more as soon as possible.

7. Style counts, but see #8.

8. Most of what they taught you in high school composition remains true. Outlining before you start writing is useful. A thesis paragraph at the beginning of the paper, thesis statements at the beginnings of many paragraphs, and periodic signposts about what has been proven so far and what remains to be proven, help keep a paper clear. It is true that overdoing this kind of thing can make essays seem mechanical and unlovely; but it is better to err on the side of a clear unloveliness than to err on the side of stylish confusion. As with grammatical rules, you should know the rules of composition and be able to use them easily before you decide that their violation is warranted in this or that case for stylistic reasons. So, for example, one sometimes has good reason to use the passive voice. Unless one understands the problems with the passive voice, however, one can't distinguish the rare appropriate uses from the many sloppy ones.

9. A metaphor is not an argument. A list is not an argument. Even an analogy, by itself, is not an argument.

0. One argument can refute, undermine, or override another. Refutation: "This is wrong. The evidence otherwise, the causality runs the other way, there is no logical link here..." Undermining: "This may be correct, but look where else it gets us in the long term, or what other consequences the argument has that proponents didn't notice, or what obviously ridiculous cases the argument actually has to cover on its own terms, or..." Overriding: "This may be correct, but this other issue is more important, because it is more urgent, because there is some logical or moral ranking of principles, because justice is more important than utility..." If your argument overrides another, you normally have to give reasons why x is more important than y, not simply assert it.

IV. The Procedural Naturalism of Lon L. Fuller

Like Finnis, Lon Fuller (1964) rejects the conceptual naturalist idea that there are necessary substantive moral constraints on the content of law. But Fuller, unlike Finnis, believes that law is necessarily subject to a procedural morality. On Fuller's view, human activity is necessarily goal-oriented or purposive in the sense that people engage in a particular activity because it helps them to achieve some end. Insofar as human activity is essentially purposive, according to Fuller, particular human activities can be understood only in terms that make reference to their purposes and ends. Thus, since lawmaking is essentially purposive activity, it can be understood only in terms that explicitly acknowledge its essential values and purposes:

The only formula that might be called a definition of law offered in these writings is by now thoroughly familiar: law is the enterprise of subjecting human conduct to the governance of rules. Unlike most modern theories of law, this view treats law as an activity and regards a legal system as the product of a sustained purposive effort (Fuller 1964, 106).

To the extent that a definition of law can be given, then, it must include the idea that law's essential function is to "achiev[e] Ö [social] order Ö through subjecting people's conduct to the guidance of general rules by which they may themselves orient their behavior" (Fuller 1965, 657).

Fuller's functionalist conception of law implies that nothing can count as law unless it is capable of performing law's essential function of guiding behavior. And to be capable of performing this function, a system of rules must satisfy the following principles: (P1) the rules must be expressed in general terms; (P2) the rules must be publicly promulgated; (P3) the rules must be prospective in effect; (P4) the rules must be expressed in understandable terms; (P5) the rules must be consistent with one another; (P6) the rules must not require conduct beyond the powers of the affected parties; (P7) the rules must not be changed so frequently that the subject cannot rely on them; and (P8) the rules must be administered in a manner consistent with their wording.

On Fuller's view, no system of rules that fails minimally to satisfy these principles of legality can achieve law's essential purpose of achieving social order through the use of rules that guide behavior. A system of rules that fails to satisfy (P2) or (P4), for example, cannot guide behavior because people will not be able to determine what the rules require. Accordingly, Fuller concludes that his eight principles are "internal" to law in the sense that they are built into the existence conditions for law.

These internal principles constitute a morality, according to Fuller, because law necessarily has positive moral value in two respects: (1) law conduces to a state of social order and (2) does so by respecting human autonomy because rules guide behavior. Since no system of rules can achieve these morally valuable objectives without minimally complying with the principles of legality, it follows, on Fuller's view, that they constitute a morality. Since these moral principles are built into the existence conditions for law, they are internal and hence represent a conceptual connection between law and morality. Thus, like the classical naturalists and unlike Finnis, Fuller subscribes to the strongest form of the Overlap Thesis, which makes him a conceptual naturalist.

Nevertheless, Fuller's conceptual naturalism is fundamentally different from that of classical naturalism. First, Fuller rejects the classical naturalist view that there are necessary moral constraints on the content of law, holding instead that there are necessary moral constraints on the procedural mechanisms by which law is made and administered: "What I have called the internal morality of law is ... a procedural version of natural law ... [in the sense that it is] concerned, not with the substantive aims of legal rules, but with the ways in which a system of rules for governing human conduct must be constructed and administered if it is to be efficacious and at the same time remain what it purports to be" (Fuller 1964, 96- 97).

Second, Fuller identifies the conceptual connection between law and morality at a higher level of abstraction than the classical naturalists. The classical naturalists view morality as providing substantive constraints on the content of individual laws; an unjust norm, on this view, is conceptually disqualified from being legally valid. In contrast, Fuller views morality as providing a constraint on the existence of a legal system: "A total failure in any one of these eight directions does not simply result in a bad system of law; it results in something that is not properly called a legal system at all" (Fuller 1964, 39).

Fuller's procedural naturalism is vulnerable to a number of objections. H.L.A. Hart, for example, denies Fuller's claim that the principles of legality constitute an internal morality; according to Hart, Fuller confuses the notions of morality and efficacy:

[T]he author's insistence on classifying these principles of legality as a "morality" is a source of confusion both for him and his readers.... [T]he crucial objection to the designation of these principles of good legal craftsmanship as morality, in spite of the qualification "inner," is that it perpetrates a confusion between two notions that it is vital to hold apart: the notions of purposive activity and morality. Poisoning is no doubt a purposive activity, and reflections on its purpose may show that it has its internal principles. ("Avoid poisons however lethal if they cause the victim to vomit"....) But to call these principles of the poisoner's art "the morality of poisoning" would simply blur the distinction between the notion of efficiency for a purpose and those final judgments about activities and purposes with which morality in its various forms is concerned (Hart 1965, 1285-86).

On Hart's view, all actions, including virtuous acts like lawmaking and impermissible acts like poisoning, have their own internal standards of efficacy. But insofar as such standards of efficacy conflict with morality, as they do in the case of poisoning, it follows that they are distinct from moral standards. Thus, while Hart concedes that something like Fuller's eight principles are built into the existence conditions for law, he concludes they do not constitute a conceptual connection between law and morality.

Unfortunately, Hart overlooks the fact that most of Fuller's eight principles double as moral ideals of fairness. For example, public promulgation in understandable terms may be a necessary condition for efficacy, but it is also a moral ideal; it is morally objectionable for a state to enforce rules that have not been publicly promulgated in terms reasonably calculated to give notice of what is required. Similarly, we take it for granted that it is wrong for a state to enact retroactive rules, inconsistent rules, and rules that require what is impossible. Poisoning may have its internal standards of efficacy, but such standards are distinguishable from the principles of legality in that they conflict with moral ideals.

Nevertheless, Fuller's principles operate internally, not as moral ideals, but merely as principles of efficacy. As Fuller would likely acknowledge, the existence of a legal system is consistent with considerable divergence from the principles of legality. Legal standards, for example, are necessarily promulgated in general terms that inevitably give rise to problems of vagueness. And officials all too often fail to administer the laws in a fair and even-handed manneróeven in the best of legal systems. These divergences may always be prima facie objectionable, but they are inconsistent with a legal system only when they render a legal system incapable of performing its essential function of guiding behavior. Insofar as these principles are built into the existence conditions for law, it is because they operate as efficacy conditionsóand not because they function as moral ideals.
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At a time when legal positivism - the doctrine that law and morality must be separated - was riding high, there emerged an eloquent champion of natural law theory, albeit in a secularised form, whose distinctive and thoughtful arguments won applause even amidst the controversy he sparked. The legal philosophy of Lon L. Fuller (1902-1978) has largely gone unnoticed by those interested in the processes and institutional order of a market society - a fact I am seeking to remedy in the present Paper. However, this should not be taken as my final word on the ...

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