The Justice of Torts. From its foundation, the law of Torts was designed to provide justice to those who had felt an injustice had been done against them.

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From its foundation, the law of Torts was designed to provide justice to those who had felt an injustice had been done against them. "It was to fulfill the objective of preventing "blood feuds" that the law developed an action for compensating harm, which eventually became the law of torts." (p. 4, Giliker et al, 2004) Justice that had before been arbitrary and violent became reasoned and peaceable. We can derive from this that the original intent of the law of torts was to provide justice; unlike, for instance, contract law, which was to ensure the smooth running of the market in England. Furthermore, there is a basic tenet of Torts, which was outlined by Lord Blackburn in Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co (1880) 5 App Cas 25,39: "The sum of money which will put the party who has been injured or who has suffered in the same position as he would have been if he had not sustained the wrong for which he is now getting his compensation or reparation." (p. 2, Ibid.) This seems to have a particular form of justice in mind; not retributive, but restorative, i.e. that justice comes from restoring to people what they have lost. What is actually contentious, though, is whether the law of Torts actually provides the justice that it historically set out to provide, and whether it adheres to this principle laid out by Blackburn that seems almost self-evident.

The principles of Tort are not solely peaceful as Blackburn implies. Tort law also has a deterrent aspect; the threat or imposition of damages, known as exemplary damages, to alter people's behaviour (p. 540, Steele, 2007.) While Tort law does not generally impose a moral fault, it is used to alter people's behaviour (p. 74, Horore, 1995). Since the law of Torts is also the law of (unintentional) civil wrongs, exemplary damages may be imposed to pressure people into refraining from committing civil wrongs. These damages, imposed for their deterrent nature, are not always proportionate to the wrong committed; in fact, "[punitive] damages are [purported to be] justified on the basis of their deterrent effect." (p. 5, Ibid.) This gives the law of Tort a nature somewhat similar to that of the criminal law. Those concerned with the operation of a free judiciary might consider this quite unjust. Giliker et al give two reasons as to why using Tort law in such a manner can be considered wrong; "First, in a civil trial, the punishment may be meted out in the absence of the evidential and procedural safeguards to which a defendant is entitled in criminal proceedings. Secondly, because tort law and criminal law operate concurrently, the defendant may receive "double punishment" for a single wrong" (Ibid.) The use of Tort law to show to people that some actions are not acceptable (p. 75, Horore, 1995) is not dissimilar to criminal law. Tort, however, is a civil law. While the use of both criminal and civil law to, in the words of Horore; "announce to society that these actions are not to be done and to secure that fewer of them are done," can not really be called either just or unjust it does show that the State has a very clear scope by which it controls the sort of actions a population may undertake. At the same time, if Tort law undertakes corrective justice that the criminal law also attempts (i.e. criminal negligence v tortious negligence) then one must consider the way in which a defendant is tried. English law is very concerned with the concept of the free and fair trial; an action that the criminal law attempts to prevent will have stricter safeguards for the defendant than a tort trial; for instance, a defendant in a civil law case can be guilty "on the balance of probabilities" whereas a criminal case operates on a defendant being guilty "beyond all reasonable doubt." It has, in other words, a possibility to be corrupted to serve against justice.
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However, in addition to theoretical principles, there is one specific area of Tort Law that has evolved to a level that can be discussed in terms of the injustice it has created. English Law does not recognise a common law right to privacy (p. 805, Steele, 2007.) However, what does exist is a common law right; or at least, have had the right, for many hundreds of years, to freedom of speech. Indeed, Lord Goff said in the Spycatcher case; "We pride ourselves on the fact that freedom of speech has existed in this country... longer than... any ...

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