The method of trial used in England from approximately the tenth to the twelfth century, and elsewhere in Europe from 800 A.D. until 1200A.D., was "trial by ordeal."

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The faithfulness of a wife, the falsity of a monk’s doctrines, the unresolved theft were all suspicions pointed to one man: these had to go to trial, to judgment.  This was the role of the ordeal.  It was lex paribilis, or apparens, or aperta- the ‘manifest proof.’  It was a device for dealing with situations in which certain knowledge was impossible but uncertainty was intolerable.

  1. Introduction

The method of trial used in England from approximately the tenth to the twelfth century, and elsewhere in Europe from 800 A.D. until 1200A.D., was “trial by ordeal.”  An ordeal is a quasi-judicial practice by which a person’s guilt or innocence was determined by subjecting them to a painful task.  If the person completed the task unharmed, or with quick healings of the wounds suffered from the task, the person was adjudged innocent. The people considered it a judicium Dei, meaning God would help the innocent.  It should be noted that the trial by ordeal was used as a last, not first, resort.  It was only used when other ways of discovering the truth were unavailable. In addition, although a trial by ordeal would oftentimes have fatal consequences, the purpose was not punitive.

Part II of this paper discusses the culture and society during this time period, including the time frame trial by ordeal was used, the kings that reigned over England during this time, the judicial framework, and a brief overview of other countries that used this method of trial.  Part III will describe each type of trial by ordeal in detail, including what the trial consisted of and describing which group of society was responsible for overseeing the trial.  Part IV will analyze which specific crimes or decisions were made through ordeals, as well as other purposes the trial by ordeal served.  The end of trials by ordeal will be discussed in Part V, as well as some examples of how this practice affected America’s history, and still affects other nations.

  1. Background
  1. Time frame and Location

The trial by ordeal method was used in England dating from the laws of Edward the Elder, in the tenth century, until the Assizes of Henry II in the twelfth.  The trial by ordeal process survived until the Enlightenment in Western Europe and longer elsewhere. 

One source notes that the ordeal was primarily used in small communities, and “function[ed] most comfortably in milieus where each man’s personal character and standing are publicly known and affect the welfare of the rest.”

Other societies during this time period also used this method.  Examples are listed in Salic laws, France, Jerusalem, Russia, Normandy, Hindu, Ireland, German, Tournai, and Austria, to list a few.  Although this paper centrally focuses on England, occasionally some examples from other countries may be provided to show the full extent of trial by ordeal.  

  1. Alternatives to Ordeal – Oaths and Testimony

“The ordeal coexisted with many other forms of proof and it was often, indeed, the first task of the court to decide what manner or mode of proof should be applied.”  The two primary alternatives to the ordeal were swearing of oaths and testimony. 

Testimony could be in the form of a written document or through oral-in person witnesses.  Written testimony would oftentimes be presented to the court through charters, or similar documents, supporting property claims.  Oral testimony was also a crucial aspect of proof, especially in property disputes and criminal charges.  “This is where men looked first for resolution of a charge and it seems to have been a universal principle that some deficiency in human testimony was necessary before recourse could be had to the ordeal.”  The ordeal was most frequently used, however, when there was a lack of witnesses in cases where the charge was only a matter of general suspicion, “a charge in which not only witnesses but even a specific accuser would be lacking.”

One source notes the importance of oaths in stating,

The oath, the corner-stone of medieval judicial procedure, was, in some sense, an ordeal, but one which relied upon God’s eventual rather than his immediate judgment.  Where this kind of ordeal was employed, however, the other need not be.  Exculpation by oath alone and exculpation by ordeal were mutually exclusive; hence, where oaths were unacceptable, the ordeal became a natural recourse.

There were three types of judicial oaths.  At the beginning stage of the litigation, parties would give their oaths to validate their assertions of fact; “they also swore oaths before embarking upon proof by an ordeal, test or duel.  In addition oaths themselves constituted a form of proof, and the performance of an important oath to conclude a case could be a moment so fraught with tension as almost to constitute a ‘physical test’ . . . .” 

The oath could be accepted from an individual, or with the aid of oath-helpers, compurgators.  The choice between the two methods depended greatly on the nature of the offense, and more importantly, the status of the individual providing the oath.  The higher the oath-maker’s status, the more validity his oath was given.  If an accused could not produce a reputable oath-maker, or could not muster enough compurgators – the use of the oath may be inappropriate.  These situations reflected poorly on the suspect’s reputation. 

        If a suspect had an established poor “reputation,” which was a combination of status and previous record, he may be subject to the triple ordeal, as opposed to the simple ordeal.  The triple ordeal consisted of a hot iron that weighed three times the normal weight of a simple ordeal. “One of the laws of Ethelred the Unready specified that a man of bad reputation should go to the triple ordeal, unless his lord and two other thegns swore that he had not been accused recently; then he could go to the simple ordeal.”  The abovementioned example pertained to men who had lost their oathworthiness due to some action of their own.  There were other groups of people that did not have the requisite oathworthiness, due to no fault of their own: foreigners and slaves.  “When juristic standing depended upon one’s position in a web of kindred ties, bonds of lordship and dependency, blood status and ethnic territorial identity, the stranger was adrift.  He hardly had a status in legal terms.” There are numerous references in English law to “the ordeal as the proof appropriate to ‘the foreigner or friendless man.’” Similarly situated to the foreigner was the slave, but he was rather an internal stranger. The slave possessed such low status that he, himself, was not oathworthy.  Common practice consisted of the slave’s lord vouching for the slave.

        Although the ordeal was applicable to the free and unfree, however, there is great authority suggesting “that is was very commonly decided that compurgation (or occasionally, the duel) was the proof of the free, the ordeal of the unfree.”  A few examples are as follows:

[When someone is accused of killing a priest] if he is a free man, let him swear with twelve co-jurors, if unfree, let him clear himself through the twelve red-hot ploughshares.

If anyone breaks this peace, let them clear themselves with a twelvefold oath if they are free or noble, with the ordeal of cold water if unfree.

A man accused of poisoning, who denies the charge, must uphold his case by combat if he is free, or the ordeal if unfree.

  1. Situations Calling for Ordeal as Opposed to Witnesses or Oaths

There were certain circumstances where an ordeal was more likely to be used, and likewise where witnesses or oathswearing would be appropriate.  Sexual crimes, including adultery and disputed paternity, were cases usually resolved by “witnesses, there being no visible evidence on which to base a judgment.”  The ordeal was oftentimes employed in crimes of stealth, such as murder (as distinct from homicide) and theft by night.  Heresy was another area in which the ordeal was appropriate – as it was also an “invisible” crime, best addressed by God’s judgment and determination.  

  1. Oversight

The clergy was primarily responsible for overseeing the trials by ordeal.  There has been speculations among various historians and writers on the topic that “[s]ince the priests of the era knew their parishioners, knew of their reputations, and heard their confessions, it [is] probably that the ordeals were rigged in some manner to yield a verdict that the priests thought were just.”  In addition priests were subject to taking bribes to determine the outcome of the ordeal – which also lessened the validity of this method trial.  

  1. Exemptions

Certain privileged groups received exemptions from trial by ordeal of fire and water: clerics, Jews, and townsmen.  The particular exemption depended upon the group concerned.  The Jews’ exemption was based on the reasoning “that such a sacral proof, so deeply hedged about with Christian liturgy and ritual, a proof which normally required a vigil in church and prior communion, was so indelibly Christian that it would be not only unfair but also, more important in Christian eyes, virtually meaningless to apply it to non-Christians.

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Urban exemptions, or exemptions for townsmen, developed because of the townmen’s hostility towards the ordeal.  One source indicates “the rise of towns in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries was an important cause of the supposed decline of trial by ordeal in that period.”  This could be related to the belief that the bourgeoisie is invariably progressive and rational – and thus tradesmen and townsmen would reject a practice a irrational and primitive as the ordeal.

  1. Types of Ordeals

There are seven varieties of trials by ordeal addressed in this paper, which include: .  Not all of them were ...

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