In Poes The Man of the Crowd, which character(s) could be considered the Flaneur and why? Refer to at least 4 academic texts to support your argument.

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The Man of the Crowd

Cultural Studies

Unit 2: Introduction to HE

In Poe’s ‘The Man of the Crowd,’ which character(s) could be considered the Flaneur and why? Refer to at least 4 academic texts to support your argument.

In the ‘The Man of the Crowd’ the narrator, an educated man in convalescence observes the city and its occupants. Through his observations we can identify various traits in the narrator himself, an unusual old man and perhaps a few other minor characters, the ways of a flaneur. However, none of these characters are explicitly called a flaneur and depending on the interpretation of what a flaneur is the characters could be considered flaneurs or not.

To comprehend to what extent each of these characters are essentially flaneurs, the essay is going to analyse the actions of the characters in the story as well as the different opinions of what a flaneur actually is. The characters that will be taken into consideration in the essay will be solely male,

The flaneur’s freedom to wonder at will through the city is an exclusively masculine freedom, (Wilson, E. 2001, p.79).

Women in the nineteenth century would have arose suspicion if they loitered, as a woman wondering on the streets would have been considered a flower girl or a prostitute. Therefore, it will be assumed that the narrator is a man and not a woman in disguise, otherwise the narrator would be a flaneuse and not a flaneur.

In the nineteenth century cities like Paris and London quickly expanded creating new classes and ways in which people interacted. These phenomenon appealed the curiosity of various writers, anthropologists, sociologists and so on who started to observe people in cities. These spectators of modern life, the flaneurs, were:

 A detached observer. He caught the fleeting, fragmentary quality of modern urban life, as a rootless outsider he also identified with all the marginal that urban society produced. (Wilson, E. 1992, p.54)

Poets such as Baudelaire begun to actively observe people in the streets and arcades by loitering and strolling with the sole aim of observing and recording the new ways of life occurring in the city.

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The narrator not only observes how people interact and distinguish themselves from others and other ‘tribes’, but also of how the environment variables may influence people and their behaviour. For instance the ‘change of weather had an odd effect upon the crowd.’ Moreover, the narrator notices how depending on the time there would be a ‘gradual withdrawal of the more orderly portion of the people, and its harsher ones coming out,’ and how depending on the location the attitude of people and crowds changed.

The person whose experience epitomizes the fragmented and anonymous nature of life in the ...

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