The condition and concept of the child in Dickens

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The Condition and Concept of the Child in Dickens: A Bibliographic Essay

       It is my intention to write a Research Project on the condition of childhood in Dickens’s novels. This will most likely include an observation on the conflict between the Rousseauesque-Romantic viewpoint and the Puritan and Rationalist one. Throughout my research I looked at a wide range of resources, however, the one I found most useful was Grylls’s Guardians and Angels (1978) and therefore will study it in more detail in my Critical Review essay. In this essay I will attempt to cover the essence of Romantic and Puritan notions of the child and develop this in order to see how this influences domestic life, education and the reader.

       In his book The Child Figure in English Literature (Pattison 1978) Pattison looks specifically at the idea of the child in Dickens primarily through the sentimental ways in which they are presented. Pattison offers a kind of explanation to the argument that ‘sentiment’ (76) in The Old Curiosity Shop is ‘cruelly dated’ (76) and of Dickens’s lacking of intellectual control. It is suggested that the sentiment which characterizes The Old Curiosity Shop is everywhere in Dickens and that it is only the intricacy and intensity of plot that is missing, however, it is acknowledged that this gives rise to ‘vistas of sentiment’ (77) whereas in later novels such as Dombey and Son sentiment ‘clings’ (77) more to the plot. Pattison argues that it was Dickens’s intention to exchange concentration on plot for style and imagery and thus develop the idea of the child figure as a ‘literary device’ (78) that could be used as a vehicle to allow the reader to understand his views as well as feel them. Of course, Dickens had for inspiration the ‘sentimental examples’ (79) of Wordsworth as well as the Augustinian tradition of child depiction adopted by Blake and Gray. Indeed, it is suggested that by adding a sense of gloom to the Wordsworthian tone used primarily for the representation of nature Dickens is able to extend these sentiments to his child figures. For example, whilst his paraphrasing of ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ in The Old Curiosity Shop depicts the beauty of nature on the ‘sleeping town’, (79) Dickens positions Little Nell in a gothic graveyard which inextricably links the beauty and innocence of nature with the innocent but ‘fatal’ (80) beauty of Nell. Indeed, this link between innocence and the grave is highlighted by Pattison with his analogy of Little Nell being ‘no more able to pass a graveyard than an alcoholic can a bar’, (80) which beautifully evokes the conflict between sentimentality and humour that we, as readers, are forced to view the child figure with. A further argument that is concomitant with ‘dead innocents’ (80) is the idea that these innocent child figures are intimately related to old men figures. Pattison argues that these old men harbour a close link to Christianity, one example being the idea of the ‘New and the Old Adam’. (81) In Dickens the old man seems to be redeemed from outright condemnation by ‘the interest he has for the child figure’ (82) which delivers Pattison at the obvious parallel of the child becoming the ‘regenerate man, the New Adam.’ (83) The idea of children as the precursors of new life in Dickens seems inextricably linked with death. Pattison points out how this ‘profound contradiction’ (83) allows Dickens to employ such a close relationship between his child character’s falls and their rising virtues.

       Where Pattison has viewed the innocent child through the idea of sentimentality, Newsom has made some key arguments for the concept of the portrayal of the Romantic child figure in Dickens’s novels and attempted to link this to the author’s and the reader’s memories of childhood. In essence, it is an argument for the Wordsworthian-Romantic influence on the child in Dickens’s fiction. Dickens presents an innocent child, ‘often suffering and orphaned, abandoned or neglected’, (Jordan 2001, 92) that as suggested by Newsom, was symptomatic of the ‘growing concern’ (92) for children being central to an ‘evolving ethos’ (92) of the middle-class throughout the Nineteenth Century. Newsom comments on how the conceptions of the child have changed from ‘animalistic and uninteresting’ (92) in earlier years to the concept of the child being a source for greater emotional enrichment during ‘the rise of the domestic’ (92) in the Victorian age. Newsom argues that Dickens’s child figures should be viewed as romantic not only because of changes in society’s thinking, but perhaps even more greatly because of Dickens’s own childhood experiences, as well as his apparent devotion to the Wordsworthian concept of childhood memories. Indeed, towards the late Eighteenth Century Newsom reasons how the child is recognized as a qualitatively different being, much closer to humankind’s ‘original, even prelapsarian state.’ (93) Therefore being deserving of ‘healthy cultivation’ (93) in order to preserve their innocence for as long as possible. This concept, as highlighted by Newsom, contrasts starkly with the youth of the juvenile Charles Dickens who was quite literally robbed of his own childhood at the age of twelve when his father was imprisoned for debt; and he was sent to a blacking factory. Newsom suggests that this, along with the death of his sister-in-law at the age of seventeen installed Dickens’s fear of the ‘child’s welfare’ (95) and his ‘reverence for the innocence of childhood’ (95). Newsom observes how Dickens set himself against the religious severity of the Puritans and Evangelicals who preached that the child was innately sinful and ‘vulnerable to wicked temptation’ (95), subscribing more to the innocent and prelapsarian view of the child honoured by Rousseau, Blake and Wordsworth. However, Dickens was still aware that the child needed firm guidance in childhood. For example, Newsom uses the example of Thomas Gradgrind’s ‘selfishness’ (97) in Hard Times and observes how he develops into a young man given to ‘grovelling sensualities’. (97) Returning to the notion of the child being the central feature of the changing ethos of the Nineteenth century Newsom examines Dickens as the first great ‘importer’ (102) of the Romantic-child into a central place in the novel. This, in turn, allows the author and the reader to reflect on their own complicated and conflicted experiences of childhood; an experience that Dickens was ‘forever returning to’ (103) in his novels and through them ‘forever reinventing’ (103). Far more than Wordsworth, for example, Dickens helps recover the thoughts and feelings peculiar to childhood. It is hard to explain yet there is a fragile recovery to be made between the understanding of a child and an adult. For example, a comic moment is when Oliver mistakes a group of prostitutes for ‘very nice girls indeed’ (Oliver Twist 2007). A contradiction and perhaps a limitation of Newsom’s observations on Dickens as a champion of the Romantic-child is his inclusion of the commentary on the role of the reader in the relationship between the abused and the abuser in his novels. As in the example of Oliver above, we are actually ‘invited to take some pleasure in the spectacle of the abused child’. (Jordan 2001, 105) A further example of this would be Nell’s warmness to her Grandfather, even though he is a grotesquely comic character she is still distraught at the thought of separation. Although Dickens could be inviting us to laugh at this pathetic situation, perhaps the absurdity of it is that some Victorian children actually lived this life.

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       It seems only right to examine this concept of the ‘Romantic child’ (Coveney 1957, 1) more closely when relating it to the central figures in Dickens’s novels. Coveney has a closer look at the origins and essence of this concept in his book Poor Monkey: The Child in Literature. (Coveney 1957) Coveney argues that ‘about nothing’ (5) did Rousseau feel more passionately than childhood and in fact Rousseau claims that he was one of the first to oppose the ‘rationalist’ (4) school of thought that children should be treated as ‘small adults’ (4) and it seldom ...

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