Development of an Online Lecturer Assessment System

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  1. Project proposal

Final Year Project

Course: BSc. Computing                                Year: 2008

Name:        Antonio Savio Machado Da Silva                Student ID: 0257HWTR0806


Development of an Online Lecturer Assessment System 


Develop a system that will enable student to assess their lecturers online. (To experience in real life all I have studied so far in this programme.)


  • Reach all the students.
  • Point where lecturers need further developments.
  • Be more accurate with the results.
  • Keep student’s id confidential. (Deeply understand how a connection between a GUI (graphical user interface) and the database is made and how their share data between them.
  • To produce reports based on the results.


  • Authentication of the student.
  • Graphical User Interface to guide the student throughout the assessment.
  • Database to store the feedbacks.


The system extra functionalities are a further step taken by me in order to push myself to learn more and more. It is a challenge because knowledge on PL/SQL is needed. Although stated on here the implementation of those functionalities will just be possible after the system is running properly.

  • Sent Automatic reports to the registry.
  • Sent an alert email to the lecturer if his rank goes below the average.
  • Sent an alert email to the registry if the rank of a lecturer goes below the average.


It is of extremely importance prior the project to start to know the entire requirement and make clear what they are. Most of the projects nowadays suffer from scope creep. This happens when the scope of the project keeps changing over the time. Although having a good and a bad side project creep usually result in cost overrun and delay (Gray and Larson, 2006).

The main requirement to know in prior the project start was:

  • Identify what method is adopted by the schools to assess their lecturers.
  • Identify what types of report are important to the registry.
  • Identify what the formula could be used to calculate the average of the lecturers.
  • Create a WBS to know whether the project is feasible and also to keep track of the project development. (Having time as constrain).
  • Identify a suitable work model to use for this project. Waterfall model, spiral model, v model as example
  • Identify the most convenient way to develop this system


  • Acquire experience in Software Project Management.
  • Learn about Programming languages.
  • Deeply learn on databases. (Different types of database, different ways to design it.)
  • How to integrate the GUI and the database together.
  • Methods of authentication and how to implement them.


  • ORACLE 10g (Database).
  • JDeveloper (Oracle HTTP Server, OC4J (Oracle container for java), Oracle Business Rules, Top Link, and Application Server Control).
  • Microsoft World
  • Microsoft Project

Project Tutor:

Nigel Kermode




  1. Background
  2. System requirements

Choosing a database system


The reason for chosen Oracle 10g was because its user friendly and for being free. Although being a RDBMS (relational database management system) rather then OODBMS (object oriented database system) the RDBMS data structure are simpler which is a plus when developing the database. More time would need to be allocated in case of using an OODBMS approach because of its complexity even though it is the best approach for web based application because of its fast data retrieval and the data can be easily reused.

Project Plan. Grant Chart


        New project plan


ASSESSMENT MODULE FLOW                        


Fail                 Yes

No              Yes



The tables must be divided by group and for every table a unique key (primary key) must be assign. Many designs use ID numbers as a primary key. (Refer to Student Table).

In order to  link one table to another, the primary key from one needs to be assigns as in the other table.( Refer to student - course link, the primary key from student is on the course table as a foreign key.)

Based on those assumptions and the specification of the project, 5 entities were found:

  1. Student,
  2.  Administration,
  3. Course,
  4. Subject, and
  5.  Lecturer
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From one N to N relationship between Subject and Lecturer another table is needed.

Note that where there is a 1 to n relation ship, the primary key of one table becomes a foreign key from another table however the same is not applied to M to M relationship. Such relationship needs a new table where the primary key from this table will be composed by the primary key from the other two tables. (Refer to assessment table.)

Relational Data Model (RDM model)

  • Student (StudentID, FirstName, LastName, StartDate, Nationality, Password)
  • Administration (AdiminID, AdminName, Password, Email, ...

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