In this report, we explain and discuss the issues that would have to be taken into consideration if an automated robotic de-mining system was to be built.

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CS4816 --- Assignment 2001    Group: J    Problem: MINE                                    Page  of

Land Mine Problem

Group: J



Table of Contents



Statement of Research Domain        

Literature Review        

World Wide Web Search        


Description of Process        

Group organization        

Development of Analysis        

Specification and Design        

Defining the search area        

Knowledge Bases        

Design of Robots        

Robot Configuration        

Aerial search and destroy technologies        

Physical Communication of System        

Neutralization and destruction of landmines        

Detection methods for Landmines        

Search and Destroy Methods (see diagrams in Appendices)        

Discussion of Design and Conclusion        


Landmine Hotspots        

Areas worst hit by landmines        



Group J, Landmine Report

Michael Phelan (MP), 3rd Yr CSIS, University of Limerick

Eoin McCarthy (EMC), 3rd Yr CSIS, University of Limerick

Padhraic Maguire (PM), 3rd Yr CSIS, University of Limerick

Seamus Galvin, (SG), 3rd Yr CSIS, University of Limerick

Denis Everett, (DE), 3rd Yr CSIS, University of Limerick

Gerard Cleary, (GC), 3rd Yr CSIS, University of Limerick


In this report, we explain and discuss the issues that would have to be taken into consideration if an automated robotic de-mining system was to be built. It is not intended to be a document from which developers can directly produce a fully working system. Instead, it attempts to give the reader a knowledge of the domain in question, as well as introducing the reader to the factors that would have to be taken into account. In our introduction, we give reasons why the landmine problem requires some form of partial or complete automation, with an aerial fleet of robots being the basis of one such system. With the help of our research, we discuss various technological advances that have been made in this field, as well as techniques that may be included in a practical design. We then discuss search and destroy strategies, based on some of the principles of Artificial Intelligence, as well as issues that would have to be considered if an aerial robot fleet were being used. Finally, we attempt to assess our design proposals, by assessing its strengths and shortcomings.


“Of all the tasks involved in setting a nation on a new road to peace and prosperity, perhaps none has the immediate urgency of mine clearance… No attempt to resolve a sense of community and security can succeed without effective landmine removal.”

Boutros Boutros-Ghali, 1998

As a result of continuous military conflict across the globe over the last century, we have been left with a problem that affects some of the world’s most impoverished people, as well as many others. 70 people are killed or injured every day by landmines. That’s one person every 15 minutes, 26,000 people per year. [1] Therefore, no further motivation is required to choose this domain as our project topic. Clearly, this domain effects far more lives than the other three choices we had, and the preservation of human life is far more important than anything else. Over 1 million people have been killed or maimed by anti-personnel mines since 1975. This has resulted in social, psychological, and financial problems for those who are affected. Huge areas of potentially valuable land are currently worthless because of landmines. Using traditional de-mining methods, mines can cost as little as $3 to make and over $1000 to clear. It is estimated that it would cost $33 billion to remove all the landmines currently planted in the world, which, using present de-mining techniques would take 1100 years to clear. Statistically, one accident occurs for every 2000 mines removed. We therefore think that there must be a more efficient and less expensive way of de-mining. Using knowledge gained from our extensive research of the landmine domain and AI techniques, this assignment discusses the possibility of creating an Expert System that would remove humans from the de-mining process as much as possible. It is clear that the safety of humans and a 100% mine clearance rate are the most important issues, and the fulfilment of these would achieve the ultimate goal. Also, because of the fact that the project outline stipulated that the landmine search/detection mechanism had to be airborne, we discuss various methods that satisfy these requirements.


Statement of Research Domain

Our domain specification attempts to encompass all of the problems that would be encountered if an automated de-mining system were created. These issues include:

  • What factors should be taken into account
  • safety of humans
  • how should we optimise the operation of our robot fleet
  • what is our acceptable success rate……80%?……..100%?
  • What is the acceptable size and format of our search area
  • How our robot will be designed and configured, and the hardware that will be used to allow them to communicate with each other
  • How an aerial techniques might be implemented
  • How priority areas will be determined
  • What knowledge our system must have in order to search the area effectively
  • What techniques will be employed to detect and destroy mines?
  • Strategies for inter-robot communication
  • Search and destroy strategies, that entail AI techniques
  • How landmines will be removed and dealt with in a safe and acceptable manner
  • How robots will be aware of their location within the search domain
  • How the centralized system will represent robot locations in a manner that is acceptable to future developers

Methodology of Investigation

Literature Review

As a part of our preliminary research, we used various readings to introduce us to the whole landmine issue. As none of us had an extensive knowledge of our domain, we felt that an understanding of the background of the problems that we would have to discuss was of great importance. While most of the readings that we encountered did not provide much information on the technical, strategic aspect of the problem, they did extensively discuss issues that were indirectly relevant. Two examples of this were theses that were written by former University of Limerick students[1][2]. Both of these theses presented an in-depth analysis of the landmine problem.  Examples of issues covered included the psychological, economic, social and political effects of landmines, international law relating to landmines and the history of mine warfare. Attention was given to how the landmine problem is being dealt with, not just in terms of technology, but also from an ethical and humanitarian point of view.  Comprehensive analysis of how the landmine problem will be dealt with in the future was provided, as well as an account of the awareness projects that are currently in place. We also used various readings to give us an insight into the development of mine technology and manual techniques that are currently being used to find and destroy these mines, [3][5], and the problems with these techniques.  It was also stressed that “the technology of clearance has not kept place with the contrivances of landmine manufactures”[4].

World Wide Web Search

As many of the technical issues attached to this particular domain are dynamic and still in their infancy, we found very few books or readings that dealt with the topics that were directly related to our design specification. However, because of our use of the World Wide Web as a research tool, we found that this was not a problem, as the wealth of relevant information on landmines was truly incredible. Using Copernic[6], a program that allowed us to merge the resources of many of the web’s search engines into one collective engine, we had no problem acquiring information on most topics for this domain. The web provided us with vast amounts of research information on all the issues discussed in the design specification and appendices, whereas finding the same volume of relevant information from books and journals would have been a much more tedious task. Also, we found some of the readings mentioned in the Literature Review were also on the web, as well as an infinite archive of other information related to those readings. So in reality, this report could easily have been done, using the web alone, which is a testament to how useful the Internet is as a research tool.

Information on all aspects of the domain was easy to find – e.g. balloon technology, detection and destruction methods, material types and mine types, as well as AI search and destroy strategies. Also, while books usually led us to secondary sources of information via magazine and newspaper articles, the web led us directly to the primary sources of research - usually Universities and scientific institutions. This meant that most of the information obtained from the web was of a much greater detail, and was more specific. However, what was at times difficult was the time consuming task of extracting the relevant information from the vast pool of irrelevant information. To conclude, while the sources mentioned in the Literature Review provided us with information that allowed us to understand the underlying problems, the web’s resources allowed us to derive solutions to problems in our domain.  

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As our report is supposed to be an overview of the problems and issues related to this domain, rather than an in depth specification, our use of this method of research was minimal. However, when we required information about the Camcopter[4] discussed in the design specification, we did require additional specific information from an expert who was partaking in the development of the system. In general however, we found that the information extracted from the web was more than adequate.

Description of Process

Group organization

As our project group consisted of six people, we collectively gathered a ...

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