Voice Activated Phone System - Human Computer Interaction Report

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Applying HCI Design Principles for a Voice Activated Home Cordless Phone System


Applying HCI design principles to develop a method for controlling the operation of a telephone; specifically a cordless telephone. This method refers to the implementation of a user interface of a cordless telephone. It has been decided that it is advantageous to apply a voice-controlled interface as opposed to the regular keypad interface. Cordless phones provide an opportunity for free movement around the home, and we will like to add to this advantage by introducing a voice activated phone system. The method developed will hereinafter be called VAPS.


Course Name:                Computer Science (BSc)

Module:                        Human-Computer Interaction

Module Code:                COMP2006

Academic Year:         2005/06


Table of Contents

Design        2

Introduction        2

Key HCI Issues        2

Design Options        2

Environment        3

Placing and answering calls        3

Performing directory activities        3

Accessing voice mail        4

Alternative 1: Remote Control with menu interface        4

Alternative 2: LED Display        4

Alternative 3: Voice / Sound Feedback        5

Feasibility of the alternatives        5

Alternative 1: Remote Control with menu interface        5

Alternative 2: LED Display        6

Alternative 3: Voice / Sound feedback        6

Justification of Alternative 3 as the interaction Style        6

Accessibility        6

Requirements Elicitation        6

Evaluation        7

Usability Testing        7

Conclusion        7

References        11

Table of Figures

Figure 1 Class Diagram depicting main components        3

Figure 2 State Chart Diagram depicting calling and answering phone calls        4

Figure 3 Remote Control Example        5

Figure 4 Use Case for Graphical-based LED Display        5

Figure 5 Example showing how Use Cases can produce Requirements        8

Figure 6 Guidelines for Usability Testing        9

Figure 7 Introductory Questions for Questionnaire        10

Figure 8 Questions about each system for Questionnaire        10

Figure 9 Questions comparing the three systems for Questionnaire        11



Design an interactive system for maintaining and using a cordless phone at home. Assuming one is already in place, a module shall be added to the existing program to create a voice enabling utility. It is geared towards people with disabilities (quadriplegic, visually impaired) or those who just prefer the convenience of hands free phone. The intended user should be someone who is familiar with using a basic telephone and those selected to evaluate the prototypes will fall under this category.

Key HCI Issues

Originality: Generally speaking, most telephones do not contain this desired functionality. They do not allow certain features to enable ease of use by a person with a disability. If one has voice mail for example, it is essential to pick up the phone after a certain number of rings. This might prove difficult for a person with limited mobility.

Analysis: The actors are:

  • The user of this system - residents at home.
  • The interface - provides feedback to the user, and be convenient. There are three different components:
  1. Voice Recognition Engine (houses the word recognizer, the dictionary database)
  2. Controller (the software program)
  3. The Hardware (the actual phone and its components including the microphone)
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The user actions consist of placing and answering calls, entering names in their phone directory, and obtaining voice messages via voice commands.

Usability: (Attributes) This is an add-in to an existing phone, and thus requires learning. This additional programming system will focus on usability, and HCI knowledge, principles and methods will guide all design decisions. It is duly noted that for the masses, understandability, familiarity, ease of performing simple tasks such as making a call, and a usable interface are the most necessary features, and sometimes may lead to tradeoffs in uniformity, simplicity and efficiency. However, HCI ...

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