How capable are you in terms of Howard Rheingolds five literacies for the 21st century? Provide an example from your life that illustrates either the challenge that each literacy poses or how you have coped with the challenge

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Assignment 1.                        

“How capable are you in terms of Howard Rheingold’s five literacies for the 21st century? Provide an example from your life that illustrates either the challenge that each literacy poses or how you have coped with the challenge. Or both.”

Attention: As Rheingold considers attention to be the most basic and significant literacy of the 21st century, he explains how it is the fundamental building block for the way of daily life; with attention framing the way in which individuals think, create tools, teach, socialize, transform civilizations etc. multi-tasking would be considered a constant attention-splitting (or "hyper attention") action common in myself and many if not most students. The development of technology introducing us to smart-phones. wi-fi, tablets etc. allow us to have access to the internet or the "online world (facebook & twitter) almost anywhere we are. These vast amounts of freedom to be a part of social media anytime, anywhere make multi-tasking more common; thus, allowing the concept of focused attention to diminish. This awareness has made me become more careful of where I focus my attention and when multitasking is unnecessary I avoid it by putting away my phone where it is not visible and/or closing my laptop.

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Participation: Participation in the 21st century means that we are joining in as an active citizen rather than simply a passive consumer. With social media becoming such a big aspect to the way business, personal, and social matters are shaped in our modern day, participation is crucial to being a part of the community. The media today allow for people to do things such as inform, persuade, and even influence certain beliefs of others and my participation allow for my voice to be heard. As some participation (such as negatively commenting on someone's wall or photo on facebook) is unnecessary ...

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