X- Ray Powder Diffraction.

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By Chiara Mingarelli


PHYS 3007

Carleton University

Submitted Tuesday October 14th 2003

Partner Chris Auger


In the X Ray Powder Diffraction experiment X rays were produced by bombarding a copper sample with electrons and then filtering the K? rays through a nickel sample. The resultant collimated beam diffracted through our sample (of either NaCl or KCl) and hit our Kodak direct exposure film in the Debye-Scherrer camera. This film was developed in total darkness and the lines were then measured. Using Bragg scattering we determined the plane constant "a" of each cubic crystalline structure. This "a" was determined to be 6.169 ± 2.205 Å in NaCl, compared to 5.639 Å accepted value, which is 0.24 deviations away from the accepted value and hence is an acceptable result. Due to the lack of acceptable values of Miller spacings for the KCl, a value of "a" was not obtainable with our results, but can be obtained using an analogous method.


X-rays are electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths range from about 0.1 to 100Å. They are produced when rapidly moving electrons strike a solid target and their kinetic energy is converted into radiation. The wavelength of the emitted radiation depends on the energy of the electrons [1].

X rays are ionizing radiation, consisting of high frequency photons that can be created in several ways. X rays can be created by accelerating electrons through a high voltage in a vacuum tube, then driving them into a metal target (such as copper in our experiment or molybdenum). They can also be produced by accelerating electrons in a vacuum, then changing their direction by applying a strong magnetic field. This sudden change in direction releases energy from their momentum in the form of x rays. The way x rays emerge is through a window, usually made of beryllium--which has an atomic number of only 4 and therefore has a very low absorption [1]. A natural way of observing x rays is through supernova explosions (the gravitational collapse of a star at the end of it's life) resulting in the creation of neutron stars and black holes.

Black holes were first detected as x ray sources because as matter is pulled apart around the event horizon, only x rays have enough energy to escape the gravity of the massive bodies, whereas visible light does not. The X ray powder diffraction technique also has many other widespread applications, such as determining substance impurities in rocks and minerals.The diffraction method makes use of Bragg scattering:

Fig. 1: Geometric construction for Bragg's Law-constructive interference by reflection from a set of parallel planes separated by a distance "d". [2]

We can see from Figure 1 that the difference in path lengths of the upper and lower rays is b + b and for constructive interference, this distance must be an integral number of wavelengths, n?. Since b = d sin (?) it follows that

n ? = 2d sin (?). (1)

This is Bragg's Law.

In order to use this equation, we require several "Bragg" conditions: a highly coherent light source (such as a collimated beam) and a monochromatic (single wavelength) source. This is why the x rays are passed through the nickel attenuator. You see, after the electrons have bombarded the copper source, K?1,2 and Kß x rays are produced. The K?1 and K?2 rays have a wavelength of 1.5406 Å and 1.5443 Å respectively. Since Kß x rays have a wavelength of 1.3922 Å we can use nickel to attenuate it. Nickel is the element on the periodic table just before copper, so the shorter x rays will penetrate it but the lower energy Kß x rays will be attenuated. The K?1,2 x rays are so close in wavelength that we use a weighted mean to represent a generic K? x ray of wavelength 1.5418 Å. Molybdenum is also frequently used in the x ray powder diffraction as a source of x rays. Molybdenum radiation, ??= 0.79 Å, is much shorter than the K? x rays of wavelength 1.5418 Å and hence is much more energetic (and dangerous) [2].
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Using this technique, we can obtain our coherent monochromatic light source. We are given that the sodium chloride (NaCl) and the potassium chloride (KCl) have a cubic crystalline system, given by

sin2? = ?2 (h2 + k2+ l2) (2)


where "a" is the unit cell dimension, the constant that we seek in the experiment and has a geometric representation given in Figure 2 and h, k and l are the Miller Indices of the plane. The miller index is the relative spacing of a unit cell with respect to another unit cell.

Fig.2 ...

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