Gay is Good!

        Throughout history, there has been controversy about whether homosexuality should be accepted in society. The Bible has numerous passages concerning homosexuality--some passages affirm a person's right to be gay, and some propose that homosexuality is evil, as in Jer 31:34 and Lev18:22, respectively (What the Bible Says). Today we debate over whether it is appropriate to make anything that concerns homosexuality available to the public. Many people, such as the creators of The Homosexual Agenda, an anti-gay web site, fear that by making such material available to the public, we run the risk of corrupting our children. The creators of the web site tell their audience that, "The homosexual knows that when a child is molested, they [the child] often struggle with homosexuality. That is one way they [homosexuals] recruit homosexuals and attempt to make children grow up 'gay'."

        Some people believe that God created AIDS in order to express His wrath about homosexuality (Murray). Brendan Murray calls the idea that "AIDS is not just a gay disease" a "myth," providing statistics to show that AIDS affects mainly gay males. Some people believe that homosexuals will one day persecute heterosexuals (World). The designers of The Homosexual Threat web site tell us that homosexuals "want to run our culture." Another anti-gay group proposes that gays want to run our government in such a way that they would "lie [to] and deceive" us (Hidden). All of these fears lead to one conclusion: we should make information about homosexuality available to the public, in order to protect ourselves as well as in order to dispel any misconceptions that exist about homosexuals.

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        One of the strongest arguments for the continuance of censoring homosexual issues is that if such issues are made available to the public, our youth will be corrupted. We once feared the dangers of sex, we would corrupt them, but today, sex education is a graduation requirement in most states. By teaching children about sex, we lessen the likelihood of our children's contracting STDs or becoming pregnant. Similarly, if we teach children about homosexuality, we will lessen the risk of their experimenting with it out of a sense of rebellion, or engaging in homosexual relationships without knowing the dangers associated ...

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