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Waiting or staying in expectation of something or someone, has always been the role of humanity. We as humans wait for several reasons, although very ambiguous, we wait for a person to come in our lives, we wait for something new, and we wait for something to change our lives, but in the play Waiting for Godot; waiting is not clearly stated but we might infer that waiting is not just a matter of waiting for someone, but waiting for hope. Since hope is what keeps humanity going, without hope we would be lost.  

        The characters from the play seem to be very existentialist nevertheless the play is basically about the theme of hope. The play is mainly about two characters; Estragon and Vladimir and their ironical and pitiful way of waiting for someone or something that it is uncertain to arrive, in this case hope. Several times during the play, hope is constructed as a form of salvation, and even death. Waiting in the play is seen as a form in which to spend the time waiting for something uncertain and even unlikely to come.

        The play itself is bizarre and absurd because at times it is difficult to recognize if there is a plot at all, and sometimes the play seems to be  incredibly profound in the sense that Estragon and Vladimir wait under a shrunken tree for Godot, who apparently will not come until tomorrow, being tomorrow a  day that will never come.  The sense of helplessness  and the irrational, absurd universe in the play is the main characteristic of the theatre of the absurd, a form of theatre developed in the 1960’s, which characterizes the human condition as one of helplessness, in which  its characters communicate with each other in disjointed, inconsequential language.

        I chose this play mainly because of the theme which has been a subject of my thoughts for weeks. Taking into consideration the work, the author, and the comments I have found about the play. I consider the play to be bizarre as I have mentioned before, and basically, it reminds me of the twilight zone; in which most of the times the most awkward things happened with no real and clear explanation on why they happened, not even a solution is given, especially because in the play everybody except Vladimir tend to forget what happened the previous day, which again makes me think about the chance of dèjávu taking place somehow during the two acts of the play. This essay will focus basically in the sense of the absurdity of waiting for something or someone who will never come, and the hopelessness of humanity which awaits for a saviour, in which the humanity is represented by Vladimir and Estragon.

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“Developed in the late 1950’s and early 60’s; the theatre of the absurd, as the term suggests, is meant to give dramatic  expressions to the philosophical notion of the absurd.” To define the world as absurd is to recognize its fundamentally impossible to read nature, and this recognition is frequently associated with feelings of loss, worthlessness and bewilderment. “To such feelings the theatre of the absurd gives ample expression, sometimes leaving the observer perplexed with the incoherent, meaningless, or repetitious dialogues, strange behaviour and plots which deny the notion of logical and realistic development”.

 “The term ...

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