Informing and Evaluating Professional Practice , Critical review

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Sheffield Hallam University

Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Advanced Diploma in Adult Nursing.

Summative Assessment Submission.

Informing and Evaluating Professional Practice – January ’08 Intake

Date of Submission:  27th April 2009

Assignment Title: Critical Review

Research Question: ‘What are the attitudes of general nurses towards people with learning disabilities?’

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Word Count:                2195

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Evidence-based practice is an approach that enables the medical professional to provide the highest quality of care in meeting the complex needs of their patients and families (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt 2004). In nursing science and research, relevant studies and investigations must be carried out, fulfilling certain criteria’s (Kim and Kollak 2006). Evidence-based practice has become a core requirement of contemporary nursing practice. The Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC, 2008) demand that nurses base their practice on the best available evidence.

This assignment will critically review articles around a chosen area. The subject question will be as follows: ‘What are the attitudes of general nurses towards people with learning disabilities?’

My previous profession involved caring for people who had profound and multiple learning disabilities. Over the years I accompanied many of them to hospital for treatments, also to general practitioners for appointments. I recognised on many of these occasions that health professionals seemed to lack awareness around the needs of people with learning disabilities. By looking at these articles I hope it will enhance my professional practice in a holistic manner.  

It has only been twelve years since a report showed that General Practitioners were refusing to accept people with learning disabilities (Singh 1997), furthermore a survey for general nurses found that the majority were in favour of segregating people with learning disabilities from other patients in hospital (Slevin and Sines 1996).

The Valuing People White Paper in England (DOH 2001) states that people with learning disabilities are becoming more integrated into the community; as a result, they will be using the National Health Services more frequently. You only have to look at recent stories about the inequity that people with learning disabilities have to challenge. The Mencap (2007) ‘Death by Indifference’ report outlines major failings within the National Health Service and makes strong recommendations for change, to give people with learning disabilities equal health care.

Various sources are available to gain information from and it is imperative to use a variety in order to gather a range of information that is reliable and trustworthy (Hart 2000). The information was sought by utilising diverse approaches to relevant literature, these included books, journals, websites, newspapers, magazines and information search databases. To maximise the results of relevant and recent article a decision-making process will be utilised in the form of inclusion/exclusion and key words, tables of these can be found in Appendix 1.

Herbert et al (2005) states that a systematic review that specifies clear inclusion and exclusion criteria’s provide stronger evidence for their field of search than them that do not. Keyword searching is the most popular information discovery method because the user does not need to know either a query language or the underlying structure to the data (Bernstein 2002).

Whilst searching the question, it was found that a great deal of research, studies and articles had already been completed. This gave the reader more insight to the attitudes, fears and reactions of general nurses and other professionals towards learning disabilities. A Qualitative approach was sought to gain an insight the emotions of professionals, people with learning disabilities, families and carers. Siviter (2008) defines qualitative research as gaining insight into thoughts, feelings and experiences. Whereas Quantitative research is more reliable kind and is used for research that needs to be measurable.

The articles chosen for this research were analysed before they were critiqued. From the analysis, two articles were found to be directly relevant to the research question. These are:

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  1. SOWNEY, Margaret and OWEN, G. Barr (2005). Caring for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Perceived Challenge for Nurses in Accident and Emergency Units. Journal of Advanced Nursing 55(1) 36-45
  2. FOX, David and WILSON, David (1999) Parents’ experiences of General Hospital Admissions for Adults with Learning Disabilities. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 8(5) 610-614

(A summary of these articles can be found in Appendix 2)

Several different tools were created to critically appraise qualitative and quantitative articles, after looking through them, the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) was chosen. The reasoning for this was because it ...

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