Roman Public Health Essay

Public health is a provision that a government makes in order to preserve its peoples health.

  The Romans had the best public health system in the world it was unmatched until about fifteen hundred years after the empire fell. The Romans were the first use a public health system on a large scale. The efficient Roman government ensured good public health because they needed a healthy population to recruit from for their advanced army that held the empire together. Public health measures would also re assure the roman citizens over their government which would reduce the chance of a revolt against the government also if they kept the public healthy then the senate and all the rich and powerful people would not catch as many diseases off the citizens.

 The Romans had many advanced ideas that made public health possible. Their system of collecting taxes helped their economy, which would pay for many things needed for their public health.

The Romans had and needed engineering skills for quality design and building an organised work force to enforce provisions and the correct materials for making the facilities. The most important thing the Romans had done to make public health possible was the discovery of the connection between dirt and uncleanness to disease. They believed the Hippocratic idea that there a natural causes and cures to disease. Because of the connection between dirt and disease the Romans knew that they needed clean water and good drainage.

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Sighting of Roman settlements


 The Romans took great care over where they sited their settlements advice was given in books where and where not to place settlements for example:

  (Country life book1, chapter 12)   

When building a house or farm special care should be taken where to place it at the foot of a wooded hill where it is exposed health-giving winds. Care should be taken when there are swamps in the neighbourhood, because certain tiny creatures which cannot be seen by the eyes breed there. These float through the air and enter the ...

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