Using Microsoft Access to computerise and store information.

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In this IT project I am going to use access to computerise and store the information in my faculty for my tutor who is the faculty head.
This will make it much quicker and easier for my tutor to access and update information on all the students.
She will be able to add new students to the class, edit students details (address etc) keep up to date with student progress etc. and to have a whole picture of her tutor group and their subjects and progress.
The project is based in Richmond Upon Thames College where my tutor - Kate Lane works as an IT and computing Teacher. She needs to keep up to date with the progress of all the students in her faculty so that she can monitor their progress and take any action if needed.
In order to be kept informed with what her students are doing and how they are progressing she needs to have large amounts of information on each student on their subjects, grades, level of education, level of education (A level, GCSE) etc. This is difficult with paperwork and very difficult to make amendments and not very user friendly, as it is very tedious.

I have offered to put all this information on access to make it easier to store and keep up to date while also have the luxury of monitoring the students progress. I will need to make tables, quarries and report so that all the information that is required is interrelated and can be accessed by a click of a button.
I will design relationships between the tables so that quarries can be made to view the appropriate information required from each table, instead of having to open up all the tables and taking information separately.
There is not currently a computerised, my tutor does things all by hand and everything is done using paper work. She has to collect all the information from the subject teachers and presses and analyse it by hand. With the help of this new system it will be easy for her to add and delete information on students grades and subjects so that she is constantly kept up to date, instead of having to rewrite everything by hand and making it difficult to relate information so therefore making it difficult for analysis.

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In order for the system to meet the users needs an interview was arranged with my tutor Kate Lane and a list of topics was drawn up to discuss.
· The main objective of the new system.
· The method currently used for processing the information required
· The amount of data expected to go into the system
· Whether the user would prefer to use a particular system that they have already got in mind
· The type of software available for the users use.

From the interview a number of problems were realised with the current system, of manually doing the work.
It ...

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