Methodology For my project I am going to use primary and secondary sources. I will use primary as I know exactly where the information
Methodology For my project I am going to use primary and secondary sources. I will use primary as I know exactly where the information is coming from. And I will use secondary as there is simply some information that I cannot obtain myself and I want to be able to compare my results from my primary sources with other valid data. Primary I am aware that as I already think I know what the outcome of my project; I may be biased in the questions I ask in my interview and questionnaire. I may also not record the answers to the questions asked in my interview and questionnaire, if it is not the answer I need to prove my hypothesis. I am aware of this and I am going to make sure that I am not biased at any point throughout this project. For my primary research I will be interviewing two people. One female that I know of having their first child at a young age and another woman that I know of having their first child at an age that is seen as old to have children, in our society. I feel that interviews would benefit my project greatly as they are a great way to get an insight into my chosen topic from the interviewee's point of view. I will also be able to see difference between the social class a person feels they belong to and their sociological social class. I will be using a structured interview, which means I will be using set questions although I will allow the interviewee
Business Report - Rolls Royce
AVCE Business - Unit 1 Rolls Royce Introduction: I have been asked to produce a detailed business report on a medium or large sized business. I have chosen to do "Rolls Royce Plc" a global company providing power for land, sea and air. It was firstly formed as a car manufactory, then during the First World War they where asked to produce aeroplane engines. In 1914 they became a private limited company and 45 years on they changed to a public limited company. In 1971 the car-manufacturing branch declared bankruptcies and then Rolls Royce continued solely in the civil aerospace, defense, marine and energy markets to this Current date. Rolls Royce is also a global leader in marine propulsion, engineering and hydrodynamic expertise, with a broad product range and full system integration capability. More than 2,000 commercial marine customers and over 50 navies use Rolls-Royce propulsion systems and products in 2,000 ships. Navies alone operate 1,000 gas turbines Business objectives: The main business's objective for most companies is to create the maximum surplus they are possibly able, however they can also choose other areas to try and improve as Rolls Royce has. The market share for Rolls Royce in the field for engine manufacturing and have set their market objective to keep that share as number one business and try improve it even more. This isn't their main
How the Nervous system the endocrine system and the brain interact in the body.
How the Nervous system the endocrine system and the brain interact in the body How does the body operate? What two body systems work together to help regulate your body? How do different organizations work together? Having such a vast capacity the body works as one to keep people breathing. The nervous system, endocrine system, the brain and its structures interact in many ways. The nervous system has two subdivisions called the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system; there are also numerous structures in the nervous system in addition to the brain. The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord, which both are entirely covered with bone for protection. The peripheral nervous system consists of the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems, which both have their own role play. First the somatic nervous system, which consists of voluntary movements, it is most important in communication. The way the somatic nervous system works is the nerves communicate from the brain to the spinal cord then to the muscles which then enables you to make voluntary movements. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for involuntary activities such as digesting your food. The autonomic nervous system consists of two parts the sympathetic and the
The aim of this report is to show each stage that our business went through to set up our cookie business, and how to make it successful.
A Report to show how to set up and run a successful business using Cookie Monster as an example To: AHA Date: 22/11/2005 From: Jess Pulford Terms of Reference: The aim of this report is to show each stage that our business went through to set up our cookie business, and how to make it successful. Proceedings: Brainstorming: Firstly, our group came up with a few ideas for possible businesses that we could run. In order to produce a final decision, we added up the advantages and disadvantages of each idea. This meant that we could make sure we had chosen a good business to run. ß Shortlist ideas: After looking at all our ideas, we came up with the best few that we thought would be the most appropriate and successful. We made a list of these and decided on our final idea. This final idea was cookies and cakes. ß Final Idea: For our final idea, we decided that a cookie business would be good because lots of people would buy cakes and cookies but on the other hand, other businesses my decide to do an alike business for example a sweet selling business. ß Market Research: Our market research contained questionnaires of each year. These techniques were used to gain a better viewing of what the school pupils like think of our business idea. By using this information, we could work out certain thing like prices we should charge for each thing we are selling.
Similarities and Differences in the Aims and Objectives of Errol Anderson Motors and J Sainsbury's plc
SECTION D) COMPARE THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF YOUR TWO BUSINESSES. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM? All businesses have aims and objectives to help them plan and set targets for what they want to achieve. The difference between a successful business and an unsuccessful business is their ability to have a clear vision of what they hope to achieve and how to plan for the future. An aim is what a business sets out to do, and an objective is a target, which is set by the business so that it can be achieved. For Example, when McDonalds first started out its main aims would have been to: * Survive in business for the first year * Sell as many meals as possible * Make a profit * Concentrate on selling to the local community. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES IN THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF ERROL ANDERSON MOTORS AND J SAINSBURY'S PLC Similarities Differences Errol Anderson Motors > To aim for a higher profit in 1 year. > In 2 years, fix cars, to the best of their ability. > To be loyal to all customers all the time. > To work for and please the local community all the time. J Sainsbury's plc > To keep a good relationship between staff and customers all the time. > To sell the best quality food, better than all competitors, in 2 years. > Aim to please all customers all the time. > To work for a broad community all the time. Asim Macci Business Aims
Reverse Logistics
Reverse Logistics The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or proper disposal. More precisely, reverse logistics is the process of moving goods from their typical final destination for the purpose of capturing value, or proper disposal. Reverse logistics is a broad term referring to the logistics management skills and activities involved in reducing, managing and disposing of hazardous or non hazardous waste from packaging and products. In short, Reverse logistics is the timely and accurate movement of serviceable and unserviceable materiel from a user back through the supply pipeline to the appropriate activity. It includes processing returned merchandise due to damage, seasonal inventory, restock, salvage, recalls, and excess inventory. It also includes recycling programs, hazardous material programs, obsolete equipment disposition, and asset recovery. An important part of reverse logistics is reverse distribution, which causes goods and information to flow in the opposite direction of normal logistics activities. Reverse distribution is defined as "the process buy which a company collects it's used, damaged or outdates products and/or packaging from end
Evaluate the advantage to an organisation of employing suitable people to communicate information
Task: 4 D1: Evaluate the advantage to an organisation of employing suitable people to communicate information Written summary There are advantages for Mark and Spencer to employ suitable people. One way is that if the new candidate such as a store manger role, has excellent skills, then they can communicate to staff and members by email or memo, rather than verbally doing this each individual. The advantage is that this saves time. Also skills, this means that when that parson is discussing a matter with shareholders or stakeholders, they would go about it professionally. The advantage of employing all members will find new ideas generated all aspects in clear term. Finding a suitable person that can consider the audience and targets younger people and also all ages when presenting new ideas is an advantage. This presenting new ideas is an advantages. This is because if this necessary change occurs, the organisation such as Mark and Spencer will concentrate such as Mark and Spencer will concentrate on the wider audience. A suitable person in Mark and Spencer will consider all age, gender and ethnicity, including religions. The advantage of having a mentally strong person and also hardworking will mean that this employer is fulfilling his tasks and objectives in Mark and Spencer. They are doing all work at there maximum performance and high potential. Having a person
Tesco Finance Department
Tesco Finance Department Finance department of tesco: Tesco started of as a soletrader, its finance functions were carried out by Jack Cohen. A finance function is to raise enough finance to be able to afford to carry out the business, also to cost and price the product. Now as tesco is a larger PLC (public limited company) its functions are carried out by departments were the finance director is responsible for, Mr. Andrew Higginston. The finance department based at tescos is now the central office. Finance functions of tesco: Tesco employs specialist's accounters for its finance functions. In tesco's the finance department is split into two areas, which are: * Management accounting department, this is were they plan their finance for future periods; tesco also plans to set and allocate budgets to their departments. Tesco plans to make predictions about what should happen in the coming months. They look at their cash flow forecasts, what they have incoming and what they have outgoing should happen. Tesco also looks at how many goods they need to cover their costs. * Financial accounting department, this is when tesco needs to produce documents based on what has actually happened in the business. Tesco looks back on their cash flow statements, how much profit they've made and what they've lost, balance sheet. Annual Report: Every limited company needs to produce an
Analyze the ture picture of Italain culture.
CROSS CULTURE MANAGMENT TERM REPORT SUBMITTED TO MR. SHEHERYAR MALIK Submitted By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost we would like to thanks the All Mighty Allah who enabled us in accomplishing this project. Whit out his blessing were never able to complete it. We are grateful to my teacher Mr. Sheheryar Malik for teaching us curriculum of Cross Cultural Communication Management. His versatile knowledge in this field and unique teaching style has developed our knowledge and cleared many ambiguities. Finally, we bestow our thanks to all who has directly or indirectly supported us with their assistance and guidance to compose this profile. Executive Summary In this report of ours, we have analyzed and brought forward the ture picture of Italain culture. This report covers different models of culture, communication, and leadersihp style etc. which gives a basic input of what an Italain culture is. In the end we hope that a reader will have no ambguity and clear perception about italain people. Table of Contents: Sr. No. Topic Page No. . Introduction of italain culture 2. Hofstede's Value Dimension 2 3. Trompenaar's Value Dimension 3 4. Cultural Variables 4 5. Communicating Cross Culturally 8 6. Management Issues in Italy 6 7. Negotiating in Italy 7 8. Managing Social and Ethical Issues in Italy 20 9. Conclusion 21 0. Appendix
Research on a very small company based in Middlesex, which has been in business for a little more than 3 years - Impressions India Ltd.
.0 Introduction I am doing my research on a very small company based in Middlesex, which has been in business for a little more than 3 years. Impressions India Ltd is a private limited company, which started trading in 2001 by importing and selling Traditional Indian furniture in the UK market and had a very positive response. Over the years the company traded all over the UK and had made very good relationships with their customers. Impressions India is a company, which wholesales furniture at very low prices, and has grown to become a major importer and distributor of the most innovative and exiting range of giftware currently available in the UK. During such a short span they are already supplying products to big names such as Harrods and House of Fraiser. Impressions India is a Market Oriented business, which produces goods according to their customer needs. It employs a part time staff of 2 who work in all the different parts of the business. Nature of the problem: At the very moment Impressions India Ltd is having a number of problems in the Finance department. Even though there is a lot of demand for their products, they are facing some financial difficulties, which are causing problems in their day to day running of the business. They are experiencing working capital problems, which limits the business to pay off its suppliers and creditors. This problem is also