For paper one unit two we were told by our teacher that we have to become an actor and a director of certain plays. The plays that we choose and are using for our coursework are 'West Side Story' and 'Blood brothers'.

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24th August ‘04

Paper One, Unit 2 – Essay Five

For paper one unit two we were told by our teacher that we have to become an actor and a director of certain plays. The plays that we choose and are using for our coursework are ‘West Side Story’ and ‘Blood brothers’.


In this essay I will be describing the experience of the director and actor. I will explain positives and negatives and how things work out. Thought this essay I will be mentioning explorative strategies that helped me develop into becoming an excellent director and actor. For example ‘Thought Tracking’ where you pause the scene and the actors say how they feel the character is feeling at that apparent time. That would be an example more from an actor’s point of view, from the directors point of view we used ‘Forum Theatre’. Forum theatre is where the director helps the actor improve on the scene by telling them what to do, for instance, facial expressions or the use of space. Another way this can be shown in Forum Theatre is where the director trades places with the actor and show the actor what they should be doing, by doing it themselves!

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Through out the essay I will explain in detail our experience as a group and as an individual.

On day one I did not really know what to expect. Fortunately I had seen ‘Blood Brothers’ in the theatre recently although I had never seen ‘West Side Story’. When we watch the film I was pleasantly surprised and was ready to start this task.

As soon as we had started acting I was given the role of a director. I was pleased with this as I had not done too much before. The roles were given out and ...

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