Measuring National Income

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Sean Okundaye


Mr S. Hill

Measuring National Income

Circular Flow of Income Model

In the circular flow of income model there are two sectors: households and firms. Households are the ones who buy the country’s output of both goods and services and own all of the economy’s factors of production. They are the suppliers of these factors of productions and receive payment for supplying these factors to firms. Firms hire factors of production from households and use these factors to produce the country’s output of goods and services.

A table of the factors of production and the income received can be seen below.


This is the basis for the circular flow of income two-sector model. Households provide factors of production and in turn, receive income. They then buy these goods and services which have been produced by the firms. These products have been produced using the income received and in this way the income is circulating throughout the economy.

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Leakages and Injections

However, households do not spend all of the income that they receive, as illustrated by the above diagram, which is simply a simplified model of an economy. Households are also able to save part of their income. Saving is the foregoing of current consumption to allow for consumption in the future. People save by putting money in banks, building societies and other financial institutes.

Savings is ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

This essay is structured well, however I would've liked a conclusion which rounded it all together. Although this question didn't prompt evaluation, a strong conclusion posing a justified judgement to which method is most suitable would've been wise. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are strong throughout and technical terms are used fluently.

The analysis is strong in this essay, with the circular flow of income being explained particularly well. The diagram is a bit misaligned, but that is to be expected with the formatting. The explanation of savings being a leakage is good, as this is a common mistake. If I were doing this essay, I would've gone further to say that the amount of savings depends on the marginal propensity to save, which is affected by job security and the general feeling for the economy. It would've been nice to have seen aggregate demand mentioned in "the expenditure method", and a diagram showing a shift in aggregate demand due to a change in one of the components would've increased the analysis marks. If the essay wanted to take things further, looking into the multiplier effect would've been wise. When talking about "the income method", I would always note that transfer payments should not be included. A short definition of what transfer payments are would suffice.

The essay responds to the question strongly, offering a number of ways which are practical to measure national income. I would've liked a discussion of what national income is, or what GDP is, to allow the marker to see the understanding is there!