Holiday of a Lifetime

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Holiday of a Lifetime

Two years previous I had been on a holiday of a lifetime, a holiday (in my opinion) to the greatest city in the world, Orlando, Florida. Now I would be in that fantastic city again and I would go on more fast rides because I was older and more adventurous.

We had chosen to take the plane from Manchester to Florida via New York. On the plane journey from Manchester to New York all I could think about was my last trip to America. I tried to remember how hot it had been, the adrenalin filled rides which I thought could only have got better since the last time I went. I thought about how refreshing it was to jump in a pool in the middle of the afternoon, when the humidity and the sun were at their most intense. I remembered how I went down a two hundred-foot vertical drop in a water park, how I had nearly fainted due to thirst, and I remembered the luxurious villa and apartment we stayed in. In about twenty-four hours that life would all be mine again, for three weeks. I had to make the most of it.

Finally we arrived at our destination; J.F.K airport and I took one glance at the place and thinking to myself "Wow!" This airport was by far the largest airport I had ever been in. We checked in and everything was perfect. We went round to all the duty-free shops because we had time to kill for our flight to Orlando was not scheduled for another hour. About three-quarters of an hour later my Dad went to the reception area just to check everything was alright. It was a good job that he did go because the plane had been delayed for another two hours. I thought nothing of it at first but then, about another hour later I started to get very bored. The airport had given us eighty dollars worth of food vouchers so we decided to go and have a nice meal at the airport's expense. We went to the monitor were they were telling people what planes were delayed and which were on time. I had a bad feeling about it and I was right. Three hours more we had to wait due to a fault in one of the engines. We (well my father really) complained about this to the Delta-Airlines representative and found that many other English travellers who were booked on the plane to Orlando were doing the same. We were given more food tickets and cans and snacks that were meant to be on the plane. The novelty of all the free 'goodies' we were receiving began to wear off and I was beginning to feel very tired.
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The next three hours were very unclear in my mind, I think I fell asleep during some of the time but that is questionable. Finally we were on board the plane and we were eagerly anticipating the trip to wonderland that lied in wait for us. We started to move ever so slightly towards the runway. I know I had been before yet I could not contain myself for I was bursting with excitement. As we approached the runway we took a sharp turn to the left and it seemed as though we were doing a complete U-turn. ...

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