In the following poem, Laurence Binyon looks back on those soldiers who died for their country during battle. Analyse the poem. What is the poem saying about war?

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Assignment 14

In the following poem, Laurence Binyon looks back on those soldiers who died for their country during battle. Analyse the poem. What is the poem saying about war? Concentrate upon the following areas for your answer:

  • Content and theme(s)
  • Structure and style, and how this is shaped by content
  • Context
  • Purpose and success

The title of the poem written by Laurence Binyon already suggests what the purpose, context and theme for this poem will be with the title “For the Fallen”. Therefore before the reader even begins to read the poem they have an idea that is going to be about those who have passed away during the war. The first stanza personifies England as ‘a mother for her children’ who is mourning for the ‘dead across the sea’. This could be meaning the soldiers that were in the battle of the Somme. The tone in this first stanza is calm and respectful as the poem states its purpose and begins to describe that the men have ‘Fallen in the cause of the free’; Suggesting that this is why the men are fighting. By writing in this style the reader can understand that the men in this poem have become hero figures by sacrificing themselves for their country.

The second stanza opens with ‘Solemn’ as its first lexis carrying on the theme of loss and ‘desolation’ in the poem. We must remember that many women lost husbands, fathers and children in this war, so were left with no-one.  So I think that the word desolation is a perfect word to describe how they would be feeling. It also tells the reader that the month is’ death august’ which could be a form of pathetic fallacy, because august would be a cold, unpleasant time of year where leaves are falling from trees and nature is going into hibernation which could symbolise the death of the men. It could be assumed that this poem is set at a funeral because of the mention of the ‘drums’ and ‘death august’ and that could be the reason that it seems that many people are the voice of the poem; because they could be paying tribute to the lost soldiers.. The voice of the poet in this second stanza has changed; it is now the voice of many, as the stanza closes with ‘a glory that shines upon our tears’. England that was personified in the first stanza could now be interpreted as everyone in England and they all are mourning. Perhaps even all the women of England because so many men were sent to the war and the women were left behind. Perhaps this is also why the horrors of the war are not described; because it is from a women’s point of view and they would not know how horrific it was on the front line. In my opinion, after reading these first two stanzas I get the impression that this poem is going to reflect on all levels the grief that England has for its lost men.

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There is a huge sense of pride throughout this poem and it becomes very apparent in the third stanza, as the soldiers were described as ‘staunch to the end’ meaning that they were loyal to their cause even when they were against the odds. When telling the reader that ‘They fell with their faces to the foe’ I get an immense sense of pride from those few words, these words telling that the soldiers were not cowards, they held their heads up high even when dying. Even though in reality this probably was not the case and they were ...

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