The Changing Role of Women: The Second World War.

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The Changing Role of Women: The Second World War

1. a) The aim of this poster is to persuade women to work in factories. The poster shows the woman at the forefront as big, strong and powerful to encourage women to enter employment to help with the war effort. The viewers of the poster, see the woman from below, focusing on a type of ascendance and that women can be very influential in the war. In the background there are factories producing typical symbols of war such as fighter planes and tanks, allowing the women to think that by working in factories they will play a crucial role in the war.

    b) I think that it is deceiving to the extent that if the women decided to enter into employment in factories, they would not necessarily be producing fighter planes and tanks, instead they could be working in munitions factories. Although some women did work in vehicle manufacture. However the poster does not mention the difficulties that came along with working in factories so it is unable to give a realistic impression of factory work. The poster only shows the positive side of working such as helping the men at war and not the negative side such as monotonous work and being poorly paid.

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2. a) The woman is presented as a typical sex object fawned upon by men, as the traditional ‘blonde’, but the sort of person that would be ‘kept’ rather than earn her own living. I do not think that this is a stereotype of women’s role during the Second World War, as they were a vital part in supplying the men with munitions and keeping the home front stable economically. A large amount of women went to factories and earned their own living.

    b) As historians have found that there is little criticism, it means that ...

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