The Craig and Bentley Case.

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Your honour, members of the jury, my learnered friends,

A vulnerable and mentally disabled boy, with no gun, and under the strict watch of P.C Fairfax - accused for the murder of Police Constable Sidney Miles?... It is just inexplicable! What ever happened to scientific evidence?

It is obvious that Christopher Craig, a gun collecting lunatic is the maddened killer. Might I bring to your attention that, Craig had a motive, a very profound statement – to avenge his brother’s 12 year sentence……It is irrefutable also that the gangster films, which Craig watched four times a week could have motivated him. I concede that Craig was never good at target shooting, nevertheless the fact that he did carry a gun and plenty ammunition, on the night of the shooting cannot be dismissed. Therefore I question the crown and state that, this ‘shoot out’ was not a collaborated act.

According to Craig, their common intent that night was burglary.

I say it was Craig’s intent and certainly not my clients’.

It is evident that Bentley knew nothing forehand of that evening’s happenings.


        “Just for the ride, sir. An ordinary ride”

These were the words of Bentley’s innocent answer when asked, why he had taken the 109 bus.  

My client clearly states that they walked down to Reeves’ Corner and crossed over and then they came back up.  They looked into the window of the sweet shop.

A Confectionery Store – that would have sounded divine to any young boy, and this point mitigates Bentley. Bentley had been bombed twice during a blitz, which resulted to two head injuries, leaving him below average intelligence and with a mental mind of a 9 year old.

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        The prosecution clearly seems to be jumping to sweeping assumptions, that my client was the accomplice of Christopher Craig.

ACCOMPLICE? - There are several points I would like to clarify here;

For one, it was Craig, who called on Bentley at around 8:30 of November 2nd.

It was Craig, who handed Bentley a small knife and a knuckle-duster, saying he made it, which was later found in Bentley’s possession during his arrest by P.C. Fairfax and which Bentley voluntarily handed them over to P.C. Fairfax.  Perhaps to Bentley, carrying these items reflect the ...

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