The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald is a portrayal of life in the 1920s. Fitzgerald told the story in first person, which help give the story a realistic account of the characters. The use of first person made the story easier to follow and helped str

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       Fitzgerald used new modern trends in literature with radical, innovative techniques to create a portrait of the decade.  The Great Gatsby was a breakthrough in modernist writing because it was modern day at a time of prohibition and when trends were sweeping the nation. Modernism evolved from a series of movements involving composers, artists, writers and was marked by a rejection of the conventions of the 19th century with an urge to experiment with new forms.  Gatsby describes East Egg in his memory. The overall effect is modernism that deals with mans brutality, this can be seen when Daisy hits Myrtle but doesn’t stop the car, George shoots Gatsby and when Jordan doesn’t care about what is happening around her throughout the story. Insignificance of man is shown through wealth and how one person could have all the money in the world but still not be happy.  Gatsby had new money and was ready to impress Daisy with it and win her back, but money was not needed.  Daisy didn’t truly love him, with or without money.  Fitzgerald’s way of indicating that the people of the 1920’s were disgraceful, undignified and selfish because they spent large sums of money on themselves is shown through Gatsby’s parties where people would attend when they didn’t know the host.   This type of behavior is why the 1920’s were known as a decadent era. The novel investigates the theme of honesty in a new modern way which it is lacking in the characters of The Great Gatsby including Jordan who cheats at golf and when New York City is a symbol of what America has become in the 1920’s, a place where anything goes, where money is made. 

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       The novel shows the emergence of a mass society with pressure placed upon individual integrity from advertising and fashion to American ideals and history that are put together using cross-cultural comparisons. There is a recurrent theme throughout the novel about the importation of European fashions, manners, and habits into the American context with are put as a disadvantage to American way of life.  When Gatsby meets with Daisy, he wears his best outfit;  “the front door opens nervously and Gatsby in a white flannel suit, silver shirt and gold coloured tie hurried in” (p81).  To Gatsby his clothes create ...

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