The Sane Hamlet

        Hamlet is a play about a man who has had a father killed by his uncle, after this act of treachery the uncle then marries Hamlet’s mother.  Hamlet is sane in this play because prior to going “insane” he informs us he is going to.  If Hamlet were truly insane he would not be able to tell others that he is going to act insane as of a certain point in time.  Hamlet would try to deny insanity, not pride himself in the fact that he is insane.   Hamlet uses insanity as a way to express himself, almost as if he thought people would think it was normal for him to these things because he was insane.  Hamlet is sane in the play because he can think and act normally, he acts normal towards key characters in the play, he is totally aware of what is going on around him, he acted nothing like Ophelia, and he is able to still get what he wants in the end.

        Hamlet thinks and acts thoroughly in the play, if he were insane he would not be able to think situations through.  Hamlet thinks clearly in thought when acting out thoughts in the play, certain factors that would benefit him.  An insane person would not think things through, they would just act on emotions.  Hamlet contemplates over killing his uncle in a confessional, if Hamlet were insane he would not be able to think so logically over the fact that in “forgiveness of his sins Claudius would go to heaven” (3. 3. 74).  Hamlet was still sociably accepted, people still loved him, and usually one is taken away from society when declared insane.  Because he could act thoroughly he could still somewhat win over an audience, he would act crazy towards the general public when he was to reveal something that would normally be thoughts of insanity, like he did when he confronted Claudius.  The crowd would act along with him laughing and such, but when he did act most insanely the crowd was shocked and appalled.  Hamlet’s problem is that he does too much inward thinking and that he has no sensory awareness (Coleridge).  He does not want instant revenge because he has to think things through, a characteristic of sanity.

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        Hamlet still acts sane at certain points in the play when talking to the ones he told that he was going to act insane.  When insane he would not be able to act sane and always remember to act sane around certain people throughout the play.  He states right at the beginning of the play he is doing it as an act to seek revenge on his father.  The ghost of his father brings on hamlet’s insanity, but there were also other people there to witness it.  If Hamlet were insane he would have seen the ghost alone, since ...

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