The two novels I am going to compare are 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' by Louis De Bernieres and 'Birdsong' by Sebastian Faulks. In this comparison I am going to concentrate on how each author presents the theme of love in the midst of war.

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     The two novels I am going to compare are ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’ by Louis De Bernieres and ‘Birdsong’ by Sebastian Faulks. In this comparison I am going to concentrate on how each author presents the theme of love in the midst of war.

     ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’ is a novel about the impact of World War Two on Greece as a country and relationships that survive, begin or fade away as it is tested to the extremity of war. The relationship between Pelagia and Corelli, begin as the circumstances of war bring them together in a situation where they should despise each other. If it was not for these circumstances, they would never have met and this love affair would not have developed into a true, long lasting love between two people from countries that are at war against each other.

     ‘Birdsong’ in comparison, begins four years before World War One. The novel is divided into sections: before, during and after the war, and focuses around the relationship that Stephen and Isabelle share and the repercussions and consequences of this sexually explicit affair. Unlike Pelagia and Corelli’s relationship, war separates Stephen and Isabelle before it even begins, therefore their love does not last a lifetime, as a true love should. Their relationship is more about the physical act of love rather than the emotional aspect, which Pelagia and Corelli depict. Both affairs share an element of passion, lust, naivety and also the need of secrecy, which comparisons can be made.



     In ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’ the central theme is undoubtedly, war. Even before the novel begins we are presented with a pessimistic and gloomy poem about war, “The Soldier” by Humbert Wolfe, which emphasises the fact that the novel treats war as a main theme and additionally, he is setting the tone. After reading the novel, the reader realises that all of the events that occur in it are in some way or another originated because of the war.

      True love is another major theme in the novel. Love is portrayed as a secret shared between the two characters, as an enclosed experience from the barriers of society and a love that can only be repressed as something forbidden, even before they meet their love is condemned by the Duce.

“I really cannot countenance the idea of men of Italy setting up house with native women and diluting the purity of blood ... I just won’t have love affairs.” – The Duce.

     Pelagia lives in Greece who is at war with Italy, and Corelli enters her life as a soldier and an enemy to her country. Consequently the love shared between the characters is forbidden because society will call Pelagia “A fascists whore.” When Corelli comes to stay at Dr Iannis and Pelagia’s home, emotions begin to run high because of the war and the tension it has created between their countries; they gradually begin to fall in love by making each other laugh as a way of overlooking their differences,

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“With him she would always remember that she laughed.”

     At first Pelagia did what was expected of her by society by detesting Corelli, but soon the hatred turned to frustration as the true emotions that are repressed emerges.

     The scene in which Pelagia and Corelli, share their first kiss, is surrounded by nature. The events which lead to the kiss are quite humorous, as Pelagia has got her hair caught amongst briars and thorns and Corelli comments on the fact that she is in a “very vulnerable position.’ As Corelli is de-tangling ...

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