Child development - physical and emotional growth.

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Unit 4 - P1


When a baby is born, it weighs an average of 3.5kg and is about 50cm long.  Boys are an average of 100g heavier than girls.  A baby will generally have doubled its weight within 4-6 months and have tripled it within a year of birth.  During the baby’s first year, the limbs grow at a very quick rate while the head grows at a slower rate.  Here the baby’s bones increase in density and the muscle fibres become larger.  We can see that the overall growth rate at this age is very rapid.  All newborns come into the world equipped with many motor skills that allow them to act on their environments.  Here they acquire new behaviours through learning.  The nervous system is developing rapidly at this age.  By the time a child is 2 years old, their weight is usually about four times their initial birth weight and between the ages of 2-4 their growth proceeds a little bit slower than before until the next growth spurt at age 4.

In the infancy and toddler age the child would do actions such as sucking, show a characteristic stepping action and grip tightly objects placed in his/her hands.  Here the infant responds to loud noises by turning the head, closes hands and pulling his legs.  As the child grows, s/he would also develop the posture and locomotion.  This includes the head control, ventral suspension, sitting, crawling and standing.  In toddler age, the child would be able to walk on his hands and feet, creep upstairs, kneel, jump, run and pedal a tricycle.

In childhood, growth is constant but slower than the growth of 0-1 year olds.  The sex differences in the bone and skeletal development may lead boys and girls to pick up different activities.

Here the children would be more confident in their movements like walking down the stairs one-step at a time.  They would be able to draw recognisable pictures and learn to write their name.  They would also start to build models with building blocks and learn to catch a ball.  In middle childhood, the central nervous system continues to develop and the child would be able to do more complex things like learn to play a musical instrument, ride a bike, swimming or gymnastics.

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In adolescence, puberty changes occur and so we see the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.  In males, the voice becomes deeper, growth of characteristic body hair patters, wide shoulders, narrow hips and the production of sperm begins.  In females the menstruation begins and ovulation would usually start a year later, the fallopian tubes will grow longer, the breast would develop, the pelvis becomes wider, the voice pitch drops and growth of axillary hair.

Young adults are often at the peak of their physical performance between the ages of 18 and 28.  Here exercise can help develop the ...

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