Discuss How Stress Affects Health.

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The relationship between ‘stress’ and the consequences it has on health, as encouraged much research and debate. Of course, perhaps before we can provide a considered assessment, it is initially important that one would need a definition as a basic premise for discussion. Lazarus and Folkman (1984) describes stress as ‘the negative emotional and physiological process that occurs as individuals try to deal with emotional and physiological process that occurs as individuals try to deal with emotional circumstances that disrupt or threaten to disrupt their daily functioning. There are several prevalent examples of the possibility that stress can influence an individuals’ health status- however, it is essential that evidence is critically assessed in order to formulate a worthwhile debate on whether stress, and to what degree, can affect health and wellbeing.

Early research into stress, researchers often used animals such as monkeys and rats. For instance, Brady etal. (1958) in their famous ‘executive monkey’ provides a competent example of this. Monkeys received electric footshocks for 20-second intervals every six hours at a time, with six hours rest in-between. Shocks were not signalled. Monkeys were run in pairs with one in each pair – the executive- able to press the lever to postpone the shock for 20 seconds. The other monkey could not press the lever, but received any footshocks ( a yoked control).On this type of schedule not all shocks can be avoided, and after many sessions, Brady and his colleagues found that many of the executives died of gastric ulceration. They concluded that the shocks themselves were not that stressful as the yoked controls were healthy, but it was the added stress of trying to avoid the shocks that fatally stressed the executives.

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Admittedly, this is a somewhat simplistic and experimentally- controlled example of the affect of stress on the health of animals. However, it does illustrate an inherent relationship between high stress levels and ill-health. Of course, human beings are more complex animals with different motivations, needs and anxieties

Stress, at its basic level, involves a transaction between people and their environment. Environmental circumstances (such as exams or accidents) that cause people to make adjustments are called ‘stressors’. ‘Stress reactions’ are the physical, psychological and behavioural responses (such as nervousness, nausea, and fatigue) that people display in the face of ...

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