Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable disease and premature death.

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Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable disease and premature death .There are five times more people killied by smoking than by road accidents,suicide,murder,AIDS and illegal drugs put together.Smoking is a addictive drug this is because it contains Nicotine which is a powerful drug in tobacco which cause phyical and phychological addiction in smoking.Nicotine is so powerful that it increses the heart rate and the blood pressure.

Cigarette's also contain a chemical called tar which is black and sticky and contains cancer- causing chemicals these are called carainogens.Tar is very danugous chemical this is because it clogs up the lungs and the chemicals are graduallt absorbed,causing irritation and damage.

Another chemical that Cigarette's contain are Carbon Monoxide.This is a very deadly gas this is becauseit stops your blood from doing it's jobwhich is to carry oxygen to the brain and muscles.

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If you smoke for a short period of time then you have less chance of serious health problems however if you smoke for a long period of time then you have more chance of having serious health problems.

The earlier someone starts to smoke the harder it will be for them to give up later on in life.

Teenagers are more likly to smoke because they are influances from there peers and also if the teenagers parents smoke then they also are more likly to smoke.Another problem with smoking is that when women smoke when they are pregnant.The reason this ...

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