The Costs of Cigarette Smoking.

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Cigarette smoking causes a variety of life threatening diseases, including lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. In the UK about 120,000 people die each year due to smoking. A half of all smokers die from smoking related diseases.0

There are many ingredients in tobacco smoke which are harmful to our health in different ways.1

Some of the ingredients are tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine and other chemicals and additives such as ammonia, arsenic (a poison used in insecticides and weed killers), benzene, hydrogen cyanide and many other.2

Tar deposits on the lungs can cause lung diseases. Carbon monoxide and other chemicals reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and plays a significant role in the development of smoking-related heart disease and damaged various parts of the body such as blood vessels.3* Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, raises blood pressure, increases heart rate and increases the hearts demand for oxygen and it stimulates then nervous system.4 This is the ingredient that leads people to become addicted to smoking.5 

Smoking has harmful effects on all parts of our body. Smoking during pregnancy reduces the amount of oxygen that crosses the placenta to the baby and it also leads to an increased risk of miscarriages, premature births and sudden infant death syndromes (cot deaths).6

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Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both of the lungs. While normal lung tissue cells reproduce and develop into healthy lung tissue, these abnormal cells reproduce rapidly and never grow into normal lung tissue.7 Lumps of cancer cells (tumour) then form and disrupt the lung, making it difficult to function properly. More than 87% of lung cancers are smoking related.8 Smoking also increases the risks of developing mouth cancer, lip cancer and cancer of the throat (pharynx).9Chest infections, asthma and throat infections are more common in smokers. 10

Emphysema is an irreversible lung disease associated with ...

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