The Process of Child Protection In this assignment I will discuss the 3 different methods of referral and show the difference between the three types.

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Emma Teague

Child Protection

PW2N – AO3

The Process of Child


In this assignment I will discuss the 3 different methods of referral and show the difference between the three types. I will also describe the process that is involved when a child is referred because of suspected abuse.

There are 3 types of referral that a person could make if they suspect a child is being harmed. The first is a professional referral and this can be made from doctors, teacher or a health visitor’s that will see the child either on a regular basis or will know and maybe have an understanding of the child’s family life, for example a teacher would see the child every week and a doctor would have a record of the child and family’s background. An example of a professional referral could be if a child was to be taken into a doctor’s surgery because they have come up with an unexplainable rash and as the doctor is checking the child over there are clear signs of fresh bruises and cuts on the child’s back and on the back of their neck and legs, it is clear that there is potential abuse taking place as these bruises do not usually occur from a fall in the school playground. It is then the doctor’s job to report the child’s state to social services as there is concern that the child is being physically hurt.

The second type of referral that could be made is a third party referral and this can be made from a person that is not a professional so this could be a family member, a friend or a neighbour that makes the referral. An example of a third party referral is if a child is being abused and a neighbour hears frequent bangs, crashes and the sound of a child in pain or suffering on a regular basis then it could be worrying for them to hear what is happening and not be able to see what is actually going on. If a neighbour is worried they can ring social services and report what they think to be abuse.

The final referral that can be made is a self referral and this can be made by either the person that is abusing their child or the child themselves can make the referral. An example of self referral could be that a child is being abused every evening when they return from school and the next day they go to school with fresh bruises and cuts and their friends in their class are starting to notice and make fun of that child. The child then notices a leaflet in the corridor with a number to ring for childline and decided to ring them for help. This is one way of a self referral as the child has ringed up and reported it.

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Once a child that is potentially suffering from abuse has been reported to social services they will have to put the case into a threshold and this will decided whether the child needs immediate help or if it isn’t a serious case whether or not a CAF form needs to be filled in. A threshold is a template that social workers follow when a child is being abused and it prioritises the children that are most at risk. Level 1 is the category where the less serious cases will go and Level 4 is where the most vulnerable children ...

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