"Cavour put himself first while Garibaldi put Italy first" - Discuss.

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“Cavour put himself first while Garibaldi put Italy first.” Discuss.

This statement is true to a great extent. Italy finally unified at 1870. Cavour and Garibaldi were two of the main leading figure during the unification movement. Although they have the common aim in unifying Italy, they supported different principles. Cavour put himself first while Garibaldi put Italy first.

Cavour was the chief architect of the unification movement. He came from well family with good education. He has the chance to travel to many other countries and learned how other countries run and administrate efficiently. He was the Minister of Commercial and Agriculture, Minister of Navy and Finance and also the Prime minister of Piedmont in 1852. Therefore he has much administrative experience. Different from Garibaldi, Cavour favored of constitutional monarchy and wanted to unite Italy under Piedmont Sardinia’s leadership.

He supported the idea of asking foreign help. After the uprisings during the 1848 failed, he realized that Piedmont was not powerful enough to unify by themselves. They need foreign aid and better military support. Therefore he turned to France and asked for help and joined the Crimean war in 1854, which made the great powers knew about Italy’s problems.  

In his plan of unification, he wanted to get back Lombardy and Venetia from Austria. Foreign aid was needed. During the Austro-Piedmontese War, he signed the Pact of Plombieres with Napoleon III of France and asked for their help. In return, Italy needed to give Nice and Savoy to France as reward. By the end of the war, Napoleon suddenly signed the Truce of Villafranca with Austria, which stated Lombardy was given to Italy, but Venetia was still under Austrian Control. Because of the betrayal of Napoleon, the two lands were not given to France. Cavour did not want to accept the Treaty of Villafranca, and resigned. This proved that he was not calm enough and did not put Italy first. He did not think of if not accepting the treaty, France might be angered, and Lombardy might be lost also. He just wanted to achieve his aim but without thinking whether the situation let him to achieve or not. Also, although, Piedmont gained Lombardy and did not lost the two lands, the promise of giving Nice and Savoy as reward proved Cavour’s aim was not unifying the whole of Italy, but just the Northern part of it.

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Later in 1860, the Central Duchies refused the restoration of Austrian princes. Revolts broke out in Modena, Parma and Tuscany. They formed themselves into alliances and invited VE II as king. Cavour returned to office in Jan 1860 and took this chance to carry out a plebiscite. They all agreed to join with Piedmont Sandrine. Cavour also met Nap III again and reached an agreement that France would get Nice and Savoy , Piedmont Sandrine would get Central Duchies. France would not intervene the plebiscites, and Austrian princes would not be restored in the Central Duchies. By this Central ...

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