How can we explain the European conquest of Africa after 1870 ?

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Edward                                         History 4 Periods


6Fra                                                    Homework :

                How can we explain the European conquest of Africa after 1870 ?


There were many revolutions before 1870 : nationalist / internal (1830) , ‘Years of revolutions’ (1848) , Paris Commune (1871). Nationalism in that time led to :

. A revolution against an Imperial power

. A unification of separate elements

. An exploitation of popular nationalism in an existing

Liberalists did great things like creating a free trade on the level of the economy and on the political side there were rights and more freedom.

In the 30 years after 1870 European countries expanded their empires a lot, acquired many new subjects and about a tenth of the world’s population at that time.In 1870 , many European countries wanted to apply the concept that one nation should take over other territories as colonies : the beginning of Imperialism appeared.

The question is ‘What factors triggered off such a massive and rapid extansion ?’

Well, some commentators at the time called it ‘economic’ imperialism : a search by industrialising powers for raw materials , for new markets, and for lucrative investment opportunities.Recent historians say it was more of a political cause.

Other historians say that one set of factors cannot satisfactorily explain such a complicated phenomenon. It is clear that this new and explosive phase of European imperialism is a complex case and cannot be explained in simple terms. Here are the main issues and explanations of this phenomenon.

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Scientific and technological advances

There was a quick progress in science and technology in the second half of the 19th century. Railways , streamships , electric telegraph  , all of that enabled quicker conctact on great distance and more comfort which enabled Europe to expand after the 1870’s. Cures to treat malaria enabled explorers and missionaries to avoid contracting rhe disease.

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Russians were in posession of great weapons making their army more powerful . It enabled the explorers and soldiers to expand and tighten up their territories in the Ural mountains and in the Northern India and China.

Social beliefs

Europeans felt they had a duty to civilise and educate the non-European natives. People believed that laws of evolution should be applied for all races (equality). All races were (and still are) different economically and in their level of civilisation. All the coloured people were positioned below the level of civilisation of other races, so Europeans felt they had to ...

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