How did the Nazis strengthen their position with the use of Propaganda?

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How did the Nazis strengthen their position with the use of Propaganda?

Propaganda had been vital in winning the Nazis the support that helped them into power. The Nazis had strengthened their position with an organised spreading of information to promote their views with the intention of persuading people to think or behave in a certain way. With this method the Nazis controlled vast resources with which to keep the population contented, win support for particular policies and indoctrinate the people with their Weltanschauung, seeking to turn them into committed members of their Volksgmeinschaft.   

Germany was well on the way to becoming a totalitarian state. Like any totalitarian state Nazi Germany relied heavily on control of the mass media of communication. With press, radio and cinema firmly under control, the Nazis were able to subject the German people to a ceaseless flood of propaganda devised with great skill and ability by the minister of propaganda Josef Goebbles,  a highly intelligent Rhinelander. In 1933 Hitler set up a propaganda ministry under Goebbles, who supervised vast machinery for control of all aspects of the media. The Nazis exercised this through direct ownership of some forms, by controlling those working in the media, by directing the media what to produce and by prosecuting non-conformist activities.

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In March 1933 the ministry for popular enlightenment and propaganda headed by Goebbles pumped out material designed both as light entertainment or diversion and as political doctrination. This had become a vital prop of Nazis rule. The Newspapers and radio were co-opted, and the education system transformed into an instrument of Nazi socialisation. The Nazis gained control over newspapers by controlling all those involved, journalists, editors. In October 1933 they made a law clause 14 obliged to editors to exclude from their papers everything that would weaken the Reich. However the circulation of Nazi newspapers were small.

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