How far did modernity impact on the USA in the 1920's?

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How far did modernity impact on the 1920s?

The 1920s allowed Americans to create, reshape and improve their environment through advancements in technology, knowledge and experimentation. This is both progressive and optimistic, reflecting the idea of the American Dream and the motto ‘manifest destiny’.

During the 1920s, America experienced a decade of prosperity referred to as the Great economic boom. The majority of this was due to the strength of the industry and big business in America. In addition, big business could rely on the government as Republican presidents such as Calvin Coolidge created pro-business policies with the help of individuals like Andrew Mellon who were committed to cutting government intervention (laissez-faire) and keeping taxes low, therefore help big business to benefit in the long run. An example of this is Henry Ford who created the Ford T Model; a cheap, mass-produced car which cost $400, four months wages of an average worker and with new credit deals available every American family could afford to own one. Some historians have claimed that the full employment and low inflation of the 1920s was the best economic performance of any decade in the history of the USA, hence the name ‘the roaring twenties’.

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In the 1920s there was also a sense of optimism and enjoyment. This was due to the fact the that the majority of the Americans earned more pay for fewer hours of work, by 1920 real wages went up by 30% and annual income stood at $612. This highlighted the fact that people were generally living better, longer and had more money to spend on consumer goods. The 1920s become known as the golden age of advertisement as it encouraged spending power to grow causing people to indulge in fashion, cars, radio and household appliances. Furthermore, advancement was not only ...

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