How far was Russian economic policy determined by practical requirements between 1881 and 1922?

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How far was Russian economic policy determined by practical requirement between 1881 and 1922?

History Essay

Between 1881 and 1922 Russia would see a vast amount of change under four different governments, all which brought in economic policies that they believed would benefit the country and its economy entirely. This essay will argue that even though there were practical and ideological reasons behind these economic policies, to a large extent, that war would be the main, specific practical reason as to why a majority of economic policies were put in place. In order to assess this argument, this essay will look at how the Russo-Japanese War, First World War and the Civil War would affect the economic decisions and policies made. On the other hand, this essay will also look at other practical and ideological reasons behind the application of some economic policies in this time period. Overall, between 1881 and 1921, to a large extent, the main specific, practical, reason for economic change was Russia’s participation in three different wars.

To the largest extent, the most specific practical influence on the reforms and implementations of economic policies between 1881 and 1921 would be Russia’s participation in war. An example of this can be seen after Russia’s contribution to the Russo-Japanese war in 1904, which put immense pressure on agricultural Russia, as food was prioritised for soldiers; this caused food shortages within the countryside and in turn, general discontent which ultimately subsidized many socio-economic problems that became the reasons that led to the 1905 revolution. In response to this, Stolypin introduced economic reforms to promote a more loyal and content peasant class; such reforms included freeing peasants from their local communes, giving them freedom of movement and abolishing redemption payments for the land that they cultivated on. These reforms ensured that the burden, the war had previously put on the peasantry class, was  to be relieved in hope that another revolution would not occur. However, it’s arguable to what extent the Russo-Japanese war really did cause the food shortages within Russia, thus Stolypin’s reasoning behind his economic policies;  as the growing population within the cities, due to Sergei Witte’s rapid industrilisation, even before the war, was proving difficult to feed adequately due to outdated farming methods. Another illustration of the war influencing economic policies can be seen in the First World War, when Tsar Nicholas II and his government ensured the industrial change of factories from producing domestic goods to artillery goods in order to support the military and its war effort. This shows that economic policies were put in place in order to encourage the success of the countries endeavors in war, no matter the impact it may have on the populace within Russia; such policies did have consequences such as food shortages, famine and general dissatisfaction. However, the Tsar’s policies do convey some ideological reasoning behind them: his government’s main motive was to see Russia as a great power and if he could prove to rivaling countries that his military was competent at war, then he would establish the respect and Russia would acquire the title of the ‘Great Power’ of Europe. The Civil War of 1917 to 1922 in Russia caused the Communists, the ruling government, to implement economic policies to again, try and encourage the success of the war; these policies would later be brought under the title of War Communism. War Communism contained economic policies such as the requisition of grains from peasants, the re-introduction of hierarchy within the army and the nationalisation of industry that would enable the government to increase its likelihood of winning the Civil War. These economic policies made sure that the Red Army was adequately fed, led efficiently by competent admirals and generals (including Trotsky) and finally that industry was geared in the direction of supporting the military with sufficient weapons and technology through increased production. Again, this illustration shows that behind the practical reason of implementing the economic policies due to war effort, there were ideological motives as well; for example, the nationalisation of the industry clearly elaborates on the Communist’s political stance on state possession, no private ownership and ultimately communism. Soon after the Civil War, in 1921, famine spread across Russia and the Communist’s needed to revive the economy and the moral of the populace if they were stay far from the risk of a revolution, thus, the Communist’s introduced another set of economic policies, called the NEP, in an attempt to recover the economy as whole by re-introducing private trade. These examples show that economic policies implemented and reformed between 1881 and 1922 were to a large extent, the result of Russia’s involvement in war.

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On the other hand, there were other practical reasons for some economic policies that were implemented during 1881 and 1922. For example, policies implemented by Alexander III between 1881 and 1894 had hope of increasing agriculture, which the economy relied upon heavily. Such policies included, introduction of the Peasant Land Bank applied in 1884 to give peasants the financial incentive to travel to Siberia where they could purchase cheaper land which was available for settlement and produce more sought after agricultural goods, such as dairy products. Other policies included the creation of the Zemstvas, who were local elected councils ...

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