How important was Robespierre in the development of the Reign of Terror in the years 1793 to 1794?

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How important was Robespierre in the development of the Reign of Terror in the years 1793 to 1794?

The Reign of Terror also simply known as the Terror was the period of violence in France between 5 September 1793 to 28 July 1794. It was incited by the rival political clubs, Jacobins and Girondins as well as mass execution of the “enemies of the revolution”. The significance of the part played by Robespierre in those days is a very controversial subject. The opinions of the historians are divided. Many evidence support the statement that he was very important in the development of the Reign of Terror however, there also some factors that were more responsible.

First factor suggesting the importance of Robespierre is that he led the Jacobins. During the spring of 1793 the Jacobins gained more and more support from the Parisian mob as Robespierre provided a link between middle-class Jacobins and the sans -cullotes. He also supported the execution of the King and  came down on the side for sans - cullotes encouraging people to “place themselves in insurrection against the corrupt Girondin deputies” leading to the overthrow of the Girondins in June 1793 which marked the Terror.

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Another factor that suggests the importance of Robespierre is that he did not seek power or wealth for himself. He wanted the good for France. He delivered important speeches. He spoke of a “Republic of virtue” which led to the abandonment of the constitution and made “virtue” and excellent justification of the terror.

Moreover, Miximilian Robespierre joined the Committee of Public safety on 27 July 1793. he encouraged the Committee to take more radical steps. One of them was the law of Suspects in September 1793.  It allowed for the formation of tribunals to try those ...

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