Islam - The age of Islamic wars began as the cold war was winding down in the 1980s.

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Darren Conway

History 12




        The age of Islamic wars began as the cold war was winding down in the 1980’s.

In 1980 Iraq invaded Iran and this war caused at least 500,00 deaths and wounded hundreds of thousands more.  At the same time, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan generated much hostility, which by 1989 compelled the Soviets to withdraw.  This victory was made possible by American technology, money, support and training from Pakistan, and from the help of thousands of fighter, which were manly from Muslim countries.

        Then in the 1990’s violence occurred between Muslims and non-Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kashmir, India, Philippines, Indonesia, the Middle East, Sudan, and Nigeria.  Mujahedin fighters from the Afganistan war were big participants in many of these conflicts as well as in Muslim terrorist organizations in countries throughout the world.  In the mid 1990’s, about half the ethnic conflicts in the world revolved around Muslims fighting non- Muslims.   Between 1983 and 2000, Muslims were responsible for 12 of the 16 major acts of international terrorism.  In counteractions to these acts of terrorism, the United States armed forces have engaged in 17 military operations against Muslims.  

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        The “New War,” as President Bush called the acts of violence on September 11, are actually not that new.  This act of violence is merely a continuation and escalation of things that have been happening for years, regarding Muslims.  Mainly most acts of Muslim terrorism had been sporadic and small in the number of victims, but however September 11th, was a different case.  In 1983, 299 people were killed on the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, 270 killed on Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988, and 224 in the 1998 attack on the U.S. African embassies.

        These acts of ...

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