To what extent were economic considerations the main motive for Portuguese exploration and empire building?

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Christopher Brandish

Essay question on Portuguese Motives of Exploration.


Christopher Brandish

To what extent were economic considerations the main motive for Portuguese exploration and empire building?  

This essay will assess the extent to which the economic considerations that Portugal faced at the turn of the fifth century, when compared to the other factors such as Religious causes; geographical position; patronage; political revival; new technologies and personal motives was the main motive for  Portuguese exploration and empire building.

The economic considerations that Portugal faced at the turn of the five century must be taken into account in this essay because it is seen to be one of the main , if not the main reason for Portuguese exploration and empire building.

At the turn of the 15th century Portugal had no natural resources and was experiencing a significant “gold famine”. This meant that the country did not have enough gold to mint coins with.  Portugal also brought most of its staple goods like gain and dairy products from other countries in Europe like England and France and had few items to exchange for them, meaning that they had to pay for these resources with gold, and because of the “gold famine” there was a real fear that they would longer be able to pay for these goods and the country would starve.

However with the capture of Ceuta in 1415 and the exploration of the West Africa coast that followed its capture was driven by stories of a king whom lived along the River Niger. These stories suggested that he controlled vast gold reserves and evidence did support this as trade caravans brought powdered gold from the interior of Africa to its ports. So the Portuguese knew that if they could find this king “Prestor John” then perhaps he would prove to be a powerful ally not only to trade but also an ally to fight with Portugal against the Moors. Nonetheless by the later part of the century, the so called Gold Coast had been explored and the famine ended, but the Portuguese economic considerations did not stop there as now the country had got used to its new found wealth and wanted more, more land and more gold. So when Portuguese explores found the West Indies at the start of the 16th century they continued to look for gold mines and more famously they competed with Spain to find the fabulous city of El Dorado in the America (the famous City of gold).

In addition to wanting to find gold the Portuguese also explored in order to try and find a new way to import spices to the country instead of through the Mediterranean, where the Venetian traders had established a monopoly on these trade roots this was because the cost involved in transporting the spices from the Spice islands and Asia was enormous. The Venetian traders then either brought them and then sold them for a higher price or placed such a high tax on the spices that they became more valuable than gold. This made them only available to the richest of men.

In relation to this cause the population in Portugal was only one million thanks to the black death and continues warfare with Castile and the Moors. Portugal lacked man power, so when explores discovered the vast populations that lived in the newly conquered colonises of Africa, Portuguese explores captured them and sent them back to Portugal as slaves to work on the land. Also slaves became very valuable and could be sold for a very good price. Also Portugal was a small county and needed more land to farm and more resource s to gain this drove them to explore and capture new lands that they could then exploit and then have their slaves work in the fields. This increased output and decreased their dependency on other nations and intern caused them and drove them to explore and capture more and more lands as Portugal started to become more powerful than many other nations in Europe. This success that Portugal benefited from also bred more success and need to succeed, it also inspired benefactors and the monarchy to fund more voyages of discovery. People now start to see the wealth and power that was to be made out of these ventures.

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Also it may be relevant to point out that Portugal would be competing with the other nations of Europe on things like trade and so Portugal might have seen these voyages of discovery as a way of getting one-up on all this trade rivals and to become a strong economic power in Europe.

The Economic considerations are both a Push and Pull factor because not only did the need for resources like gold, land and a new spice root push them towards explore but once they found all this gold, slaves and a new spice root. The wealth from ...

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