What was the short-term significance of the impact of the Austro-Prussian War on Italian politics and society?

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What was the short-term significance of the impact of the Austro-Prussian War on Italian politics and society?

Contextualising before the war of 1866

Socio-Economic impact

- The fleet, after the recent ‘spending spree’, could count 12 ironclad battleships of the most modern design, to Austrian army’s 7.

-Government spending exceeded income by 60% after Venetia was added

-King was making intent on making war and raised taxes to fund

-1868 tax on grinding corn (IAT peasants)

-Increased church taxation payments to states

The unification of Italy 1815-70, Robert Pearce and Andrina Stiles, 2008

North and South

- Needed to unite the two very different areas of the country: the prosperous, semi industrialised ‘advanced’ north (Piedmont) and the poor, agriculturally based ‘backward’ south (Papal States)

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- ‘To harmonise the north with the south is more difficult than to fight Austria or to struggle with Rome’ Cavour

The land question

- Less land available for the peasants as the landowners were constantly adding to their estates (Latifundia)

- Peasant families could not feed themselves as they had done before, for they did not have the land on which to graze cattle or grow crops

Law and order

- Government showed lack of understanding of the situation by introducing higher taxation7

- Cost of living rose with the quality of life for the peasants lowering ...

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