Which of the four factors given was most to blame for the failure of the Dardanelles campaign to achieve its military objective?

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Which of the four factors given was most to blame for the failure of the Dardanelles campaign to achieve its military objective?

        In 1915, World War One spread to the Pacific Ocean, in the Dardanelles. They decided to attack here, because on the Eastern and Western fronts, the trench-warfare in these areas has resulted in a stalemate. This meant a ‘quick victory’ which the allies had hoped for, had been halted. They now needed another alternative, to attack the Germans.

        The new ‘war council’, which was set up to achieve new alternatives, decided to attack through the Dardanelles, to capture Constantinople, and to knock Turkey out of the war. The decided to do this, as if Turkey were knocked out, neighbouring countries like Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania, would join the allies. At the time, it was thought that these three countries would be joining the Central Powers.

        On the 28th January 1915, the war council decided on an attack on the Dardanelles, using naval ships. However, on the 16th February, they decided also on providing soldiers from the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC’s), to assist the Navy, on the ground attack. They decided to use the ANZAC’s, because Lord Kitchener refused to release the 29th division, as he thought they would be needed on the Western Front. On February 19th, 1915, at 8:00am, the attack began.

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        The attack through the Dardanelles on Galipoli, however, not a success. There were many reasons for this failure. The first was the plan was not thought-out very well at all. The first factor falling under this category is that they attacked in the early morning, in the daylight. This meant the Turkish troops were at their strongest, and they could see the British landing on the beaches. Also, the beach that they landed on, was surrounded by steep hills and mountains, which the British and ANZAC’s had to climb up. These hills were also the perfect position for Turkish snipers ...

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