Why did military tactics cause USA to withdraw from Vietnam?

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Why did military tactics cause

America to withdraw from Vietnam?

In 1964 the United States of America invaded North Vietnam in a bid to halt the spread of communism throughout Asia. The American government believed in a theory called the ‘domino effect’. This was the thought that Asian countries were closely linked together and if one country became communist then others would follow. Countries such as China and North Korea had previously became communist, and America was determined not to let Vietnam become another.

When America invaded, it was widely believed they would easily take control because of their superior wealth and military technology. However this was not the case, and in 1973 America withdrew their forces from Vietnam without victory. The main reasons for this were the country the war was fought in, the successes of the Vietnamese (Vietcong and NVA) tactics and the failures of the American tactics.

The terrain of Vietnam was suited to the Vietnamese more than the Americans. The country was full of dense jungles with very few towns or clearings. American soldiers had not had sufficient jungle warfare training, and had no knowledge of the poisonous creatures and disease in the jungles. The climate of Vietnam was very hot with high humidity, and this negatively effected American morale, as they were not used to such temperatures. American soldiers were fighting to prevent communism taking over a country on the other side of the world to where they lived. A third of American soldiers had been drafted and were only fighting because their government had forced them to. Drafted soldiers only had to serve for a certain amount of time, and this meant they were less likely to risk their lives. Vietnamese soldiers however, were fighting to protect their country from a foreign invader and to ensure they had a communist future. This meant that they were courageous and would often throw themselves against impossible odds. As the Vietnamese had spent their lives in the jungle, they knew survival techniques, as well as the layout of the territory. This allowed them to launch effective ambushes and made it easy for guerrilla tactics to succeed.

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The Vietcong avoided large-scale pitched battles they stood little chance of winning and instead utilised guerrilla tactics against the Americans. They infiltrated the countryside, merging with the villagers by gaining their trust or by force. From this position they began a campaign of guerrilla warfare. They infiltrated American camps and ambushed isolated units, inflicting losses before merging back into the jungle. Snipers and explosives were used to support ambushes. Americans could not tell who their enemies were, as the Vietcong wore the same clothes as the peasants who supported them.

The Vietcong also used booby-traps to delay ...

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