Why Did Mussolini Become a Virtual Dictator By 1925?

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Why did Mussolini become a virtual dictator by 1925?

When Mussolini came to power in 1925 he was the virtual and undisputed leader of the Italian nation. He had achieved his victory through several means and some more crucial than others. Mussolini's road to success only took 5 years and it was marked with several key achievements, which led him to be appointed supreme leader of the Italian nation.

A key role towards Mussolini's success as a leader was the support that Mussolini gained from the local people of Italy. Fascism the group that Mussolini had formed appealed to all walks of like in the Italian community. The Italian people were starving for someone to take over Italy and provide them with economical and political success and Mussolini's ideals and reforms appealed to the Italian public. Fascism offered national unity, strong leadership, law and order, national greatness and also economic stability which was what appealed the people of Italy towards Fascism so much. They saw Mussolini as a savior to the problems that they faced. Mussolini provided the unemployed people with jobs; he provided the working Italian nation with ideas that they were attracted to. One of such was the demolition of Socialism in Italy. Mussolini wanted to crush Socialism and this was an ideal that a lot of the people of Italy supported. They supported this because they saw the effects of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and where not enthusiastic for that to occur in Italy, as Italy was already a nation in wreck. Another reason that Mussolini gained power was his use of his black shirts. Mussolini controlled a sort of Fascism army called his black shirt squads. He used his army to great effect by bullying those who did not support Fascism to support it. This was particularly useful to Mussolini because it meant that whoever opposed him would not be able to publicly criticize him or his fascism regime unless they were willing to pay the consequences and in 1924 when Matteotti did criticize Fascism publicly he would be found dead 11days later. The fact that he used violence was not surprising but what is surprising is that nobody tried to stop it until it reached a point when it could not be stopped and this showed the weakness of the Italian nation.
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The political war, which Mussolini faced for the fight for Italy, was a war where he suffered no casualties at all. The fact was the political state of Italy was so weak that no parties would join together to fight against Fascism which meant that Fascism could easily prosper in the Italian political scene. The parties such as the PSI group and PPI group could have easily stopped the Fascism party from flourishing but since they were such fierce rivals and could not agree on anything this meant that Mussolini could easily achieve success politically in Italy. The ...

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