Why had a Cold War developed by 1949?

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Katie Lindridge 11M

Why had a Cold War developed by 1949?

The Cold War started for a variety of reasons. There were long and short term causes for the war as two sides once joined by a wartime alliance during the Second World War found themselves enemies. The U.S.A and U.S.S.R were engaged in a cold war by 1949.

The deeply set long term cause of the war was the ideological differences between the two sides, U.S.A and U.S.S.R. The attitudes of both sides to society was completely opposite, whilst U.S.A thought the most important thing was individual freedom from control of the government, the U.S.S.R controlled the lives of civilians and thought that the welfare of the state was the most important thing. The U.S.A, a capitalist country, believed that capitalism was the best way of life and wanted to protect the world from communism. The U.S.S.R wanted everyone to be communist and was bitterly opposed to capitalism. The U.S.S.R had become a superpower, on the same level of U.S.A in the industrial boom in the 1920’s and the 1930’s but had a completely different attitude to economics. The U.S.A consisted of privately owned businesses but the U.S.S.R government controlled all the businesses and workers.

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The ideological differences between the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R were hidden by a mutual interest in the destruction of Hitler and the Nazi party during the Second World War until 1945. Even during the alliance there was tension between the sides and they had disagreements at Yalta in February 1945. Roosevelt, the leader of U.S.A was opposed to the control of the Red Army (U.S.S.R) over Poland. The U.S.S.R, led by Stalin wanted to expand into Eastern Europe, something that the U.S.A objected to. However, they came to an arrangement whereby U.S.S.R could control Poland if they stayed out of ...

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