Businesses now have to take certain precautions to ensure theirs and customer data is safe and not under threat

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Potential threats to customer data collected via website        


Natural Disaster        



Data Protection Act        

Computer Misuse act        







Transactional websites are used constantly all around the world. Because they are so popular with such a large number of people using them there are many threats when using these websites.  Some people target these websites by hacking, sending viruses, theft or other attack. Businesses now have to take certain precautions to ensure theirs and customer data is safe and not under threat.  

Potential threats to customer data collected via website

        Websites collect personal data for different reasons. For example ask the customer for your email address, a phone number, your address, your credit or debit card details and sometimes the amount of times you visit their website. The privacy policy on the website should explain how the website uses the data and the customer should read this before entering their personal information. Further information can be collected through surveys and other questionnaires to improve and develop the website further.

        For Topshop the information you enter can be sent to other companies that are closely connected with them. An email address would be used to send the customer information about new products, offers or details of their purchase, their address would be also be used for information of the products but obviously to send your purchased items to you too. Your card details will only be used when making a transaction. A customer always has the option to whether they want to stop emails or would like their data removed from the system.


        There are many risks when entering your personal details into these websites as you can never be sure that the security is efficient. Unauthorised users can access these details by logging into the network security system from outside or just taking the information if they work on the inside. This is known as hacking, these criminals can then use this personal information to sell to other criminals, this usually happens internally within a company so they must always make sure  their employees are aware and take notice of anything they think may be a threat to someone’s data.

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        Most websites have the protection of a firewall which denies network transmissions to pass through from the public internet therefore not allowing unauthorised access to the data. Firewalls have different security levels for each operating system, and these are set according to system preferences. Although this device can help stop hackers gathering information from the outside, it does not however stop the fact that people on the inside can save and steal the data. To improve this, an internal firewall between the internal network and the customer database could help make the security much more efficient.  Also all authorised staff ...

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